Flyby Pilots “Barely above 100 feet”

The Air Force Times revisits the T-38 flyby of the Iowa-Ohio State game, citing architectural dimensions to try to analyze the videos and claim the jets were “flying at a fraction of the minimum altitude required.”  (See prior article.)

Despite the CSI-like efforts of the Air Force Times, the Air Force (which has no connection with the paper) will conduct its own investigation and act based on those conclusions.

For its part, the University of Iowa Read more

Former DoD IG Warns on Chaplain Vetting

Former Department of Defense Inspector General Joseph Schmitz has reportedly written a letter to Senator Dianne Feinstein (Chair of the Intelligence Committee) highlighting concerns with Chaplain-vetting in the US military.  He particularly emphasized the Islamic Society of North America and Louay Safi, whose direct role with the US military has been discussed here before.  (The investigation of Safi by NCIS was apparently handed to the Army, who dropped it because he was a civilian.)

Interestingly, this is not the first time this issue has been raised.  In fact, the Army’s report on the Fort Hood massacre made similar implications.

Via the Army Chaplaincy blog and FoxNews.

National Christmas Tree, Menorah Grace Capital

Despite the decision by some government organizations to have “holiday” trees, the National Christmas tree lit in the Nation’s capital each year remains precisely that — a Christmas tree.  This year the US Coast Guard Band was the primary musical backdrop for the event; as is often tradition, the band stood for the Christmas prayer offered by the Rev. Darrell D. Morton.  Some bowed their heads; some did not.

The President’s remarks included a call for prayer for the military:  Read more

DADT Roundup: News and Updates

Summary of recent articles/news on the potential change to the law banning homosexuals from serving in the US military.  Below:

  • Oliver North on “who they are” vs “what they do.”
  • North again asking will DADT repeal improve the military?
  • The “no effect” of repeal compared with gender integration: A Navy commander fired.
  • Secretary Gates addresses the possibility of de facto repeal of DADT within the military.
  • CSM Marvin Hill, Petraeus’ top enlisted Soldier, reportedly “pushes” against the law.
  • Congress prioritizes DADT repeal higher than the parent Defense Authorization Act
  • Calls for Senator McCain to do the “right” thing…but how do you define “right?”

Read more

Freedom, Democracy, and Morality in America

In light of recent comments on Christianity (or religion in general) and the role of morality in society, Andie Brownlow at the American Thinker has an interesting article entitled “American Freedom and Religious Morality:”

Liberals and conservatives both believe that as Americans, we should be moral people. The major difference is where their morality intersects with their politics. Most conservatives believe that our morality should come from religion, separate from government. Most progressives incorporate moral guidance as a function of government. (emphasis original)  Read more

Obama: I Pray Everyday, Read Bible

The Hill notes that as part of a Barbara Walters interview, President Obama spoke of the prayer and Bible reading that mark his “everyday life:”

“Michelle and I have not only benefited from our prayer life, but I think the girls have too,” the president told Walters. “We say grace before we eat dinner every night. We take turns”…

When asked if he prays himself, the president said: “I do. Every night.”

JSF Faces Logistical Hurdles

As any aircraft design enthusiast knows, when someone creates a new aircraft design they do far more than consider the range, speed, or weapons capability.  Far more prosaic issues are also important:  How hard is it for the crew chief to change a tire?  How quickly can it be gassed and reloaded?

How hard is it to get spare parts?

Apparently, the JSF engine, when enclosed in its Read more

Chaplain Goetz Remembered by Colleagues

An article at the LA Times documents an interview with Christy Goetz, wife of Chaplain (Capt) Dale Goetz — the first Chaplain killed in combat since Vietnam.

Salient quotes:

His soldiers say the chaplain died doing what he loved — talking to them, praying with them, helping counsel them through long days and nights of fear and dread. He had been carrying CDs for them to record personal messages to their families.

“Chaplains don’t sit around the big bases waiting for Read more

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