Tag Archives: religious freedom

AF Family Complains about Goodfellow AFB Catholic Chaplain’s Sermon

Gina Harkins at Military.com says the Air Force is “looking into” a complaint about the content of a Catholic chaplain’s sermon last month [emphasis added]:

Capt. Antonio Rigonan, an Air Force chaplain at Goodfellow Air Force Base in San Angelo, Texas, said during an Aug. 19 service that many priests who’ve abused children were “homosexuals” and “effeminate,” according to a military officer’s spouse who attended that morning.

In context, “looking into” appears to mean nothing more than “find out about,” since the Air Force had no idea there was a complaint until the press asked: Read more

USAFA General Now Admits Being in the Tank for Mikey Weinstein

Until this summer, Col Martin “Marty” France was the Head of the Department of Astronautics at the US Air Force Academy, and he had been for some years. As a permanent professor he was allowed to maintain his rank and his position — and then retire with a promotion, as a Brigadier General.

Nine days after he retired, one of BGen (retired) France’s first acts as a civilian was publicly joining Michael “Mikey” Weinstein’s MRFF.

In fact, it seems he isn’t ashamed of admitting he was in the tank for Mikey all along, even while he served on the USAFA faculty Read more

VP Mike Pence on Being Called Christian Supremacist

From USA Today, as repeated in the Stars and Stripes:

Vice President Mike Pence turned to the Bible when asked recently what he makes of a new critical biography that calls him a “Christian supremacist.”

“The Bible says count it all joy when you endure trials of many kinds,” Pence told the Christian Broadcasting Network in an interview excerpt released Friday. “Any time I’m criticized for my belief in Jesus Christ, I just breath a prayer of praise.”

For those familiar, of course, the “Christian supremacist” label (more accurately, pejorative) is Read more

Prayer at Lunchtime: Pray for Your Enemies

From the PLUS website, posted yesterday:

Because we are Christians in America in 2018, there are those who will oppose us. They will curse us. They will hate us. They will despitefully use us. They will persecute us.

In reality, this isn’t unique to American Christians in 2018. It has happened to believers throughout history.

As we stand strong and unwavering in our beliefs, Jesus Read more

Mikey Weinstein Attacks Christians while Muslims Plot Attacks on US Troops

Last week US Army SFC Ikaika Kang pled guilty to trying to help ISIS. He was motivated by his Islamic faith so much that he considered being a suicide bomber against his fellow troops at Hawaii’s Schofield Barracks.

Yet, Michael “Mikey” Weinstein and Christine “Chris” Rodda seem convinced US military Christians are the “clear and present danger” to the United States of America.

Nearly two dozen Islam-motivated plots or attacks have occurred either against or within the US military over the past few years.

Exactly zero Christian-motivated plots and attacks have occurred against or within the US military over that same time period (or prior).

Yet Mikey Weinstein and Chris Rodda have awkwardly tried to maintain their focus on Christians — even as Mikey Weinstein became entangled with some of those same Muslim troops.

Remember, after Read more

Great Awakening at Fort Leonard Wood and Beyond

As previously noted, more than 2,000 US Army trainees have professed faith in Christ recently at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri.

Chaplain (Capt) Jose Rondon…began to track what has been called a “spiritual awakening” on the military base in March, when he reported that more than 200 professed faith during chapel services on the base on March 11 and March 18. By June 24, that number had risen to 880 professions of faith and has continued to rise throughout the summer – reaching 2,077 on Aug. 19.

Retired Chaplain (MajGen) Doug Carver said the revival wasn’t limited to FLW [emphasis added]:

More than 2,000 troops gathered Read more

Conservative Chaplains Lose Lawsuit But Lead US Military Chaplaincy

Howard Friedman’s Religion Clause reported on the summary judgment granted in In re Navy Chaplaincy, a very long-running lawsuit alleging the US Navy chaplaincy was essentially rigged for liturgical/Catholic chaplains. The DC federal district court ruled against the chaplains.

However, given how many years the lawsuit has been running its course, it is worth noting who is leading the US Navy chaplaincy now:

In fact, the rest of the US military chaplaincy leadership reads much the same. With one possible exception, the list reads like a who’s who of conservative and Read more

ACLJ Calls on SecDef Mattis to Defend Gen Teichert

The ACLJ is once again standing as the voice of reason against attacks on military religious freedom by Michael “Mikey” Weinstein’s MRFF. Last week the ACLJ wrote to Secretary of Defense James Mattis — the same recipient of the MRFF’s letter — defending BGen John Teichert.  The letter began with what is probably the most astute and clear statement on dealing with accusations from the MRFF:

We must admit it is difficult to know exactly where to start to refute the many false allegations and legal misstatements contained in Mr. Rehkopf’s letter. As we will show below, Mr. Rehkopf imputes impure motives to General Teichert and alleges harm based on his and MRFF’s hypersensitivity to religious expression by persons in uniform.

When Mr. Rehkopf encounters a religious view expressed Read more

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