Tag Archives: christian

Mikey Weinstein’s MRFF Admits Trolling for Offended Supporters

weinstein9Without fail, Michael “Mikey” Weinstein will announce dramatic accusations of Christian malfeasance within the military by saying he has “34 aggrieved clients, 29 of whom are practicing Christians” or some such arbitrary numbers. This reliance on quantity goes against Weinstein’s own favored quote by former Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor that we “do not count heads before enforcing the First Amendment,” but Weinstein is known for sacrificing principle for dramatic effect when it suits his needs.

The numbers, vague and unprovable though they are, help mitigate Read more

Harassed by Mikey Weinstein, Part 5: You’ve Got (Lots of) eMail

While Michael “Mikey” Weinstein’s lawyers weakly threatened this site with a lawsuit in 2009, the “conversation” with Mikey actually began more than two years earlier. It turns out, in fact, that Mikey Weinstein can actually come across as an OK kind of guy — so long as he agrees with your ideology.

In December 2007 — almost exactly 9 years ago — Mikey Weinstein responded to an email that rebutted a recent MRFF press release with the following missive:

mikeyweinsteinemail24The random capitalization and punctuation (as well as his inability to release the period key on the keyboard) often make Mikey Weinstein’s emails seem as though they belong in his wife’s book about poor grammar and hate mail. That aside, while he was being a bit arrogant and obnoxious, it was still relatively light-hearted.

That changed a few hours later.

In the email Read more

Donald Trump on Military Religious Freedom

trumpprayDuring the presidential campaign, Donald Trump was asked about the erosion of religious liberty in the US military. In October, his campaign provided the following response:

Religious freedom in the military is under attack, just as it is across our society. We ask our men and women in uniform to risk their lives for us, and the least we can do is fight every day for their right to worship freely and express their faith while in uniform. My Secretary of Defense will be a person who understands and respects our military’s tradition of religious tolerance and freedom, and who honors the service of our Chaplain Corps as I do.

My Defense Secretary and I will never treat religious expression, whether by a Christian, Jew, Muslim, Sikh or any other faith, as a threat; rather, we Read more

Mikey Weinstein Complains about USAFA Football Coach. Air Force Yawns.

UPDATE: While Weinstein’s original complaint was almost completely ignored, a wide variety of sites has picked up on USAFA’s decision to ignore Weinstein.  One site pointed out Weinstein was violating his own organization’s mission statement — leading one to wonder if his Board of Directors should sanction him.

For his part, Mikey Weinstein is now awkwardly spinning this incident to claim it is an MRFF “victory,” despite the fact he previously called the USAFA response “bulls–t” when it didn’t bow — and still hasn’t bowed — to his demands.  It would seem not doing what Weinstein wants is also an MRFF “victory,” meaning Weinstein can never lose…

As discussed last week, Michael “Mikey” Weinstein demanded an investigation of Air Force tight ends football coach Steed Lobotzke because he “tweeted” Bible verses.

The Air Force responded with a collective yawn [emphasis added]:

All athletic coaches’ social media accounts are personal and not maintained by the Air Force Academy Athletic Department. The views and comments within these accounts are personal and not the views of the Air Force Academy or Air Force. However, we appreciate that the accounts could appear official and have advised that an appropriate disclaimer be included to avoid confusion in this regard.

The Academy remains Read more

US Air Force Updates Weinstein, Social Media Guidance

The office of the Air Force Judge Advocate General recently published its annual update to “The Military Commander and the Law,” (PDF) a 1,000-page desk book that isn’t authoritative but is intended to give commanders an overview of legal issues they may experience in their units.

The 2016 edition continues a tradition of including official JAG “Mikey Weinstein Guidance” originally inserted in 2010. Located specifically in the “religious issues” section, it says, in essence, that commanders should be very careful how they handle people and organizations who make complaints against their unit. It was clearly written for Mikey Weinstein, an activist and former JAG who makes threatening phone calls directly to military commanders telling them they’ll be sued or seen on CNN if they don’t comply [emphasis added]:  Read more

Mikey Weinstein Forced to Advertise for Attention

Despite claiming to represent more than 40,000 “clients,” Michael “Mikey” Weinstein has apparently been unable to sustain a donor base to the “charity” that funds his paycheck and is the vehicle that allows him to attack military religious freedom.

Weinstein’s public Facebook profile has been hammered in recent days by comments from those who disagree with his attacks on religious liberty and Christianity. A few MRFF acolytes were apparently surprised by the sudden influx of “trolls” and have tried to defend against these criticisms by asking why those critics are bothering to visit a page they don’t like.

It turns out those critics aren’t visiting Weinstein’s page. Mikey Weinstein is paying to visit them.

It seems Mikey Weinstein has been paying Facebook to Read more

Military Atheists, Sexual Activists Torn over Mattis as SecDef

Military and veteran atheists, transgenders, and homosexuals are in conflict over President-elect Donald Trump’s decision to nominate retired Gen James Mattis for Secretary of Defense.

Military atheists have been generally supportive of Gen Mattis, noting he was wildly popular as a leader and, speaking to their primary concern, never gave them reason to worry over issues of religion.  (As an example of the conduct that helped his subordinates respect him, consider how he reacted when his pilots landed at the wrong airport.)

This has put some atheists at odds with their sometimes allies in the LGBT movement, who see Mattis as a potential means for Trump to undo their “progress” over the past few years — though they can’t directly connect it to a religious issue over which to complain.

That said, Don Branum, a former US Air Force Academy Public Affairs staffer who has implied he was improperly treated for speaking his views against Christians, still managed to claim Mattis is  Read more

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