Mikey Weinstein Attacks USAFA Coach Steed Lobotzke for Bible Tweets

Michael “Mikey” Weinstein says he will call for an Inspector General investigation of US Air Force Academy football coach Steed Lobotzke, because Lobotzke quotes Bible verses on his Twitter account [emphasis added]:

Unchecked Christian extremism is worse than ever at the Academy…

Lobotzke’s official twitter feed is filled with illicit proselytizing in the name of Jesus ChristUnconstitutional filth, thy name be Steed Lobotzke…

This [is the] latest disgrace to the Constitution of unlawful, fundamentalist Christian supremacy

To be clear, Lobotzke’s “crime” was nothing more than posting Bible verses. He didn’t elaborate on the verses. He didn’t provide social commentary. He didn’t even tell anyone to read the Bible. In fact, his Twitter feed has very few personal words. Most of the text posts are re-Tweets and a few rah-rahs for the USAFA football team.

And while Weinstein called it Lobotzke’s “official twitter feed,” it appears to be a personal account.

In what world does that constitute “unlawful” “filth”?  And in what world does “religious freedom” require Lobotzke be punished for posting Bible verses?

In Mikey Weinstein’s bigoted world, apparently.

As has been noted here just recently, there’s nothing wrong with posting a Bible verse on social media, even if you’re a member of the military or a USAFA football coach — but Mikey really doesn’t like it.

Fortunately, Mikey Weinstein’s personal problem with the Bible doesn’t create an official one for the US Air Force.

Coach Lobotzke appears to be aware of the controversy, as he’s tweaked the text below his avatar:

lobotzketweetHe also posted this a few hours after Pam Zubeck’s CSIndy blog went up:


Steed Lobotzke ‏@CoachLobotzke

And you will be hated by all for my name’s sake. But the one who endures to the end will be saved. Matthew 10:22 …for Andrea ; )

Here’s one for you, Mikey:

For I am not ashamed of the Gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.

Romans 1:16, ESV

Do you even Tweet? Follow Coach Lobotzke.



  • Mikey should go back to law school to find out what is legal and what is not!

    • Anonymous Patriot

      If the reports coming from College Fix and Campus Reform are any indication, law school is not the place right-thinking people would want to send him. They’d treat him like Thomas Paine because they agree with everything he says.