Tag Archives: christian

Mikey Weinstein Attacks Christians while Muslims Plot Attacks on US Troops

Last week US Army SFC Ikaika Kang pled guilty to trying to help ISIS. He was motivated by his Islamic faith so much that he considered being a suicide bomber against his fellow troops at Hawaii’s Schofield Barracks.

Yet, Michael “Mikey” Weinstein and Christine “Chris” Rodda seem convinced US military Christians are the “clear and present danger” to the United States of America.

Nearly two dozen Islam-motivated plots or attacks have occurred either against or within the US military over the past few years.

Exactly zero Christian-motivated plots and attacks have occurred against or within the US military over that same time period (or prior).

Yet Mikey Weinstein and Chris Rodda have awkwardly tried to maintain their focus on Christians — even as Mikey Weinstein became entangled with some of those same Muslim troops.

Remember, after Read more

Conservative Chaplains Lose Lawsuit But Lead US Military Chaplaincy

Howard Friedman’s Religion Clause reported on the summary judgment granted in In re Navy Chaplaincy, a very long-running lawsuit alleging the US Navy chaplaincy was essentially rigged for liturgical/Catholic chaplains. The DC federal district court ruled against the chaplains.

However, given how many years the lawsuit has been running its course, it is worth noting who is leading the US Navy chaplaincy now:

In fact, the rest of the US military chaplaincy leadership reads much the same. With one possible exception, the list reads like a who’s who of conservative and Read more

Islamic US Soldier Kang Jailed for Supporting ISIS

Last year US Army SFC Ikaika Kang was arrested and charged with trying to materially support ISIS — including providing them classified information and a drone.

Last week he pled guilty:

Sgt. 1st Class Ikaika Kang, handcuffed and wearing a beige prison jumpsuit, spoke in a clear voice when he told a U.S. magistrate judge he’s guilty of all four counts against him.

“Your honor, I provided unclassified, classified documents to the Islamic State,” Kang said, adding that he also provided the drone.

Kang is among dozens of American civilians, US veterans, and even serving US military members who have been motivated by their Islamic faith to either plot against or attack US troops.

In Kang’s case, there were insinuations Read more

Indivisible: Movie Will Tell Story of US Army Chaplain (Video)

In 2012, this site noted the story of US Army Chaplain Darren Turner — a chaplain who had served a 15-month tour in Iraq and then returned home to face the very demons he’d tried to help his Soldiers survive. His struggles would eventually lead to separation from his wife. Finally facing reality, he quit the Army and worked to reconcile with his wife. They were soon back together and, as a couple, agreed to rejoin the Army to serve the troops in their calling from God.

Chaplain Turner’s story is the subject of a new movie, Indivisible, which will Read more

Breaking: Army Rejects Punishment for Chaplain Squires

Update:  From First Liberty’s Mike Berry:

At the end of the day, if anyone has been the victim of discrimination here, it’s been Chaplain Squires and Staff Sergeant Griffin. I’m thankful that a two-star general stepped in and corrected things, but it should never have come to that in the first place.

Fox News’ Todd Starnes reports on the First Liberty press release that the Army has rejected the recommendation to punish Chaplain (Maj) Scott Squires for how he handled a Strong Bonds marriage retreat when a homosexual couple said they wanted to come.

From First Liberty Institute: Read more

Mikey Weinstein’s Motivation Against BGen Teichert Revealed

Mikey Weinstein’s good side, taken at the Broadmoor via Pam Zubeck.

For a few minutes, Michael “Mikey” Weinstein managed to stick to his scripted talking points that he was concerned about BGen John Teichert’s alleged ‘abuse of authority’ with regard to religion — not the religion itself.

But that fell apart pretty quickly.

First, Weinstein claimed it was a lack of “disclaimers,” then it was about the fact BGen Teichert’s beliefs were public. Then it was the fact BGen Teichert’s statements were “offensive.”

Weinstein’s moving goalposts were intentional obfuscation — and a bit of scrambling for Read more

Faithful, Churches Aim to Serve, Influence US Military

Two recent articles, among others, demonstrate the strength of the relationship between the US military and the local church — especially churches that go out of their way to serve the military community.

The relationship between the military and Manna Church in Fayetteville — outside Fort Bragg — was documented at Religion News Service:

This dynamic megachurch is similar to many others across the country, except for this: 70 percent of church members are military families based at Fort Bragg, the nation’s largest military installation. And despite a rapid turnover of members, due to deployments, retirements and transfers to other bases, the evangelical church has not only held steady, but grown.

Manna Church actually spreads Read more

Mikey Weinstein Fails to Find Allies in Teichert Attack

Michael “Mikey” Weinstein’s recent attack on BGen John Teichert over the exercise of his Christian faith have blanketed the media over the past few days. It is has been universally bad for Weinstein — and an apparent unanticipated blessing for the ministry of PLUS.

Even average readers see the amount of mental gymnastics Weinstein has taken to make himself “offended,” as well as his misrepresentation of unattributed commentary as carrying the force of rank and command. (One site even noted PLUS is essentially anonymous, and that Mikey Weinstein basically “doxxed” BGen Teichert, then turned around and accused him of illegal conduct based on connections Weinstein made.) As a result, many people are seeing through to the hate-based motivation driving Weinstein’s complaint.

Multiple sites have covered the complaint, supporting BGen Teichert, and — though you should never read the comments — it has been fascinating to see how many self-avowed Mikey Weinstein acolytes are saying he went too far.

The only people who seem to be defending Weinstein are those already associated with the MRFF, including, oddly, chaplain-endorser David Plummer, who joined in on Todd Starnes Facebook page to seemingly support the attack on military religious freedom.

“Friendly” atheist Hemant Mehta also repeated Mikey Read more

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