Tag Archives: USAFA

US Air Force Academy Fights Masculinity in the Military

Update: The College Fix reports on the more widespread trend of devaluing masculinity in American universities, and a member of the British parliament apparently thinks James Bond, too, conveys a message of “toxic masculinity.”

The US Air Force Academy is proudly leading a “pioneer program” designed to reduce “hyper-masculinity” in the US military. Aimed at both genders, the topics for the female cadets seem encouraging:

Female cadets focus on women’s issues within the Academy and overcoming unique challenges for female cadets…

Shockingly, the official Air Force article unashamedly lauds the fact the program discourages the male cadets [emphasis added]:

Male cadets focus on understanding the social pressures of hyper-masculinity and the negative impacts of these attributes in leadership within a diverse military environment.

One of the female cadets said she came away Read more

Did USAFA Chaplains Participate in Historical or Halloween Event?

usafachaplainsby Sonny Hernandez

On October 29, 2016, US Air Force Academy chaplains participated in a self-described ecumenical event to “explore the upcoming 500th anniversary of the Lutheran Reformation.” A USAFA release described the event as analogous to the service “led by Pope Francis and Bishop Munib Younan in Lund Sweden, on October 31,” where Catholics and Lutherans were “urged to take decisive steps toward unity.

A Christian observer would not see this type of event as ecumenical, but evil. The Protestant Reformation was not a celebration between Catholics and Lutherans. It was a time of protest and schism because of the Roman Catholic corruption.

Christian scholars who have been impacted by Read more

Is Mikey Weinstein Really a USAFA Honor Graduate?

mikeyhonorRecently, a brief article addressed a fairly simple question: Did Mikey Weinstein Serve in Combat? The basic answer was “who cares?” — except in those cases in which Weinstein himself tries to play the military/combat card.

That was going to be the end of it.  But Mikey didn’t like it.

Weinstein’s lawyer, Randal “Randy” Mathis, sent a letter the next day expressing Weinstein’s displeasure with one of the closing paragraphs of that article:

You wrote that Mr. Weinstein was not an “Honor Graduate” of the United States Air Force Academy.

If there’s one thing that will raise Michael “Mikey” Weinstein’s ire, it’s an affront to his ego — but that’s not exactly what the article said [emphasis added]:  Read more

Casey Weinstein Runs for Office, Embarrassed by the MRFF

Casey Weinstein, son of Michael “Mikey” Weinstein, is running for the state legislature in Ohio. He’s apparently a Democrat — which fits the family profile of the elder Weinstein, who makes a point of saying he’s a “registered Republican” but has only publicly supported Democrats for years. Casey has previously been a local councilman for Hudson City and now seems to be aiming a little higher.

Casey’s specific political aspirations aren’t particularly relevant — except that the Republican party, supporting incumbent Kristina Roegner, recently sent out a mailer highlighting the Weinsteins’ 2005 lawsuit against the US Air Force Academy.  It seems Casey Weinstein has been campaigning on his military credentials (even wearing an Air Force shirt going door-to-door), so he’s engendered interest in his somewhat tense relationship with the military.

In a short article clearly promoted by Weinstein (he even provided the mailer), the “reporter” essentially debunks the political mailer and lauds Casey’s credentials:  Read more

Did Mikey Weinstein Serve in Combat?

A critic recently took to Michael “Mikey” Weinstein’s Facebook page to claim Weinstein had no combat duty and never “fought for this country, only against it.” The slam brought Curtis Weinstein — Mikey Weinstein’s son — out in Dad’s defense.


Curtis Weinstein Actually Gordon, my dad graduated from the United States Air Force Academy as an honor grad in 1977 and became a JAG and once he became a Captain, he was recruited by the Regan [sic] Administration to be one of his lawyers in the White House. Nice try though, it must be hard trying to understand life when you don’t even understand what a “fact” is.

With some grace for his desire to defend his family, Curtis Read more

LtGen Caslen: West Point Prayer ‘Crossed the Line’

The video below is a Washington Post interview in which LtGen Robert Caslen, US Military Academy Superintendent, addressed his response to Michael “Mikey” Weinstein’s complaint about the team prayer requested by West Point football Coach Jeff Monken. The 4 minute response is worth watching, as he speaks with nuance that is often lost when he is subsequently quoted.

That said, nuance isn’t everything:

LtGen Caslen said they removed the original video that included the prayer because it was “offensive” — a seemingly illogical explanation. PETA finds the use of live mules as Army mascots offensive, but the Army continues to do it. The practice of liberty ensures that someone will be offended, and since Read more

US Army Continues Decades Long Support of Holy Family Home

The US Army recently highlighted how Soldiers from the 27th Infantry Regiment continue to support the Holy Family Home out of Japan — a relationship that began during the American occupation at the end of World War II. As described by a unit commander,

“Today, as we begin the 59th visit of the children to Hawaii, we look forward on building on the tradition of love and friendship begun so many years ago,” said Lt. Col. Glen T. Helberg, commander, 2-27th Inf. Regt., 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division.

The relationship between the US Army and the Catholic orphanage began when a Red Cross representative introduced members of the 27th Infantry Regiment to the orphanage — and discovered it in dire shape: Read more

Army Secretary Fanning Headlines Gay Parade

Secretary of the Army Eric Fanning recently rode through San Diego on a rainbow-striped BMW in a sign of same-sex pride:

fanningparadeThe Secretary’s personal security detail may need a little more training on blending in.

Secretary Fanning was the “grand marshal” of the San Diego Pride parade, which one veteran recognized as a significant social event [emphasis added]:

As a symbol, having an openly gay military leader means something, said George Hotaling, 29, a gay former Army officer who volunteered at the rally.

“It’s absolutely huge. To have someone who is that high-ranking, it normalizes it,” said Hotaling, who is married to an active-duty Navy officer.

The US military has developed an interesting dichotomy between sexual expression and religious Read more

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