Tag Archives: Navy

Navy Chaplain’s Visit Highlights Religious Diversity

The Navy Chief of Chaplains, Chaplain (Rear Adm) Mark Tidd, recently visited the USS Carl Vinson and its support vessels.  The Navy article recounts some highlights, but also has an interesting quote from the strike group’s command Chaplain:

“On board Vinson, we have about 15 different faith groups represented, and we are committed to this diversity,” said [command Chaplain (Cmdr) Keith Shuley]. “He comes from a Christian background, and Read more

US Navy Employs Ship-Mounted Laser

Similar to the US Air Force’s Airborne Laser, the US Navy recently test-fired a laser from the deck of one of its test ships, the former USS Paul Foster.

The laser, built by Northrop Grumman, successfully targeted a small boat on the open ocean with a classified range described as “miles, not yards.”

If you’re used to Star Wars and Star Trek, the video of the laser shot may be a little disappointing.  It appears the laser starts a small fire on one of the outboard motors.

British Conscientious Objector May Face Charges

The Independent (UK) carries an interesting story about Michael Lyons, a member of the British Navy who has apparently applied for status as a conscientious objector:

Lyons became disillusioned with the Afghanistan war after attending a training session where he was told that saving military lives would take priority over those of civilians. His view strengthened after revelations about high losses of civilian lives reported on the whistle-blowing website WikiLeaks.

The article seems to imply the UK military hasn’t seen as many CO applications as the US military has:  Read more

Buddhist Spouse on Life in the Military

The Buddhist Military Sangha recently published an interview with a Buddhist Navy spouse on being “married to the military.”  While much of the interview is, understandably, on the topic of roles and relationships, there were some interesting statements on faith and the military.

The interviewee is Mrs. Barbara Zaragoza, a practicing convert to Zen Buddhism and a “Navy wife.”

On being stationed overseas, away from her usual religious support:  Read more

US Naval Aviator Finds Jesus in WalMart

Syndicated columnist Sarah Smiley tries to explain the military tradition of ‘constant change,’ noting the prevalence of “farewells” (sometimes called “Hails and Farewells,” since newcomers are often welcomed as others leave).  She also recounts the story of her husband, a Navy helicopter pilot, finding Jesus:

One Cinco de Mayo, we hosted a party, complete with a Mariachi band from Guadalajara, in our backyard. The band’s leader’s name was Jésus. That’s “HEY-soos,” with an accent mark over the e. Every-one loved Jésus and hoped he could return for our second annual party the next year. By the time spring came around, however, there had been a rash of deportations in Pensacola, and Jésus was not answering my many phone calls. We feared Read more

US Navy Chaplain Hull-Hops to Protect Religious Freedom

The practice of “fob-hopping,” or Chaplains bouncing from one forward outpost to another to minister to the needs of the troops, has previously been discussed.

Navy Chaplain (Lt) John Kelly adds another dimension to the extreme means by which the US military protects the religious freedom of its members.  Chaplain Kelly is a Roman Catholic priest, one of the most underrepresented faiths in the Chaplaincy by percentage.

Because not all Navy craft have access to a Catholic Chaplain, Read more

Admirals Fired, Officers Censured over Enterprise Investigation

Various news reports indicate the US Navy has punished or counseled upward of 40 personnel for their roles in the creation of the videos by US Navy Captain Owen Honors, formerly commander of the USS Enterprise.  Those officers include Honors, as well as CAPT John Dixon, who replaced him as XO, and Admirals Ron Horton and Larry Rice, who were Honors’ superiors while he was XO.

Admiral Horton was fired from his position in the Pacific Fleet after the release of the investigation’s report.  For his part Honors will now have to prove he is fit to remain in the Navy.

[Admiral John] Harvey, who met with reporters…to announce the actions, also said that he recommended that Honors face a “show-cause” board that would decide whether to allow him Read more

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