Tag Archives: Navy

Navy Chaplain Impacts Marines in Afghanistan

A US military news release documents the story of US Navy Chaplain (LT) James Ragain, currently deployed to Afghanistan.  While much of the article covers the standard mantras of Chaplains and their roles, Ragain’s story demonstrates the strengths of having a military Chaplain integrated with a combat unit:

“He’s probably the greatest secret weapon I have here in my squadron,” said Marine Corps Lt. Col. Clarence Harper, the squadron’s commanding officer. “The way he goes about building religious Read more

Air Force vs Naval Academy: Best for Becoming a Fighter Pilot

One question asked repeatedly is whether it’s better to go Air Force or Navy if one wants to fly or be a fighter pilot.  The FAQ of this site answers this question (as well as many others), but there’s interesting and relevant information from the graduation of the class of 2011 that just occurred.

Class Size:  1035
Pilot Training (incl. “Marine Air”): 305 (30%)
Naval Flight Officer: 75 (7%)

Class Size:  1021  Read more

Fired Enterprise CO Seeks Support

The Navy Times notes US Navy CAPT Owen Honors, relieved of his command of the carrier USS Enterprise, has started a website requesting statements of support.

The site indicates he will face a board of inquiry to determine his future in the Navy — or under what circumstances he will leave the service.

On a related note, and without a hint of irony, the Washington Times published an article noting the US Navy has become “too politically correct for ‘old salts’.”  Of course, it also makes reference to a recent patch circulating among the “young” salts after Read more

US Army Atheists Demand Atheist Bible School

Atheists at Fort Bragg are crying foul at the military chapel congregations hosting Vacation Bible School.

Because apparently military Christians and their families can’t attend VBS.

Ironically, the atheists apparently don’t know what VBS actually is, claiming the US government is “funding a religious summer camp.”  Though understandable for those who don’t share a faith system, its generally advisable to at least figure out what something is before mocking it and calling it improper.

In the same vein, they took issue with the Chaplains office advertising VBS through Fort Bragg’s Public Affairs and email, despite the fact such a message was entirely consistent with the role of the Chaplaincy.  They just didn’t like it.  The offensive message:

Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible School will be held at Gordon Elementary Read more

Navy Blue Angels Commander Resigns over Incident

As previously noted, a lower-than-planned incident at a Blue Angel’s event caused the team to end that show early and cancel multiple other shows — including those associated with the US Naval Academy graduation.

The commander of the Blue Angels, who was the lead aircraft in the “incident,” requested he be relieved.

Cmdr. Dave Koss requested that Rear Adm. Bill Sizemore relieve him of his command following a lower-than-normal maneuver during the team’s last performance at the Lynchburg Regional Air Show May 22.

Koss indicated there may have been other “instances” of note:  Read more

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