Tag Archives: military religious freedom foundation

Bible-Believing, Military Chaplains: Avoid the Wrong Endorsing Agency

You need to do your research, so you can avoid Bible-censuring, homosexual-friendly, ecclesiastical endorsing agencies.

by Sonny Hernandez

“Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them” (Ephesians 5:11)

I. Exercise Discernment

Representing Christ in the US military requires doctrinal integrity and an implacable commitment to herald His Gospel. If a Bible-believing chaplain is going to represent Christ, then he must also be biblically qualified (1 Timothy 3:1-8), maintain doctrinal integrity, and acquiesce to a Department of Defense (DOD)-approved ecclesiastical endorsing agency that has a robust statement of faith and policies implemented to provide the indemnity for their chaplains to promulgate the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) to the service members they serve.

Representing Christ in the Armed Forces also requires chaplains to encounter false teachers who are wolves in sheep’s clothing (Matthew 7:15-20), who profess to believe (Titus 1:16), and masquerade Read more

MRFF Board Member Attacks Mikey Weinstein

weinstein9Posted on the MRFF site, as written by John Compere, a retired US Army Brigadier General [emphasis added]:

As a 75 year old patriotic American, disabled Vietnam veteran & retired Army airborne officer, it is my observation that any man who resorts to hateful name-calling does so when he cannot address a subject with intelligence or integrity. Such childish behavior can often be observed on our elementary school playgrounds.

If you have the mental maturity for Read more

Better Late than Never: Peterson AFB Learns the Mikey Weinstein Lesson

It was with some disappointment that supporters of military religious freedom watched Michael “Mikey” Weinstein claim, yet again, that a military commander had granted him special access and attention. Referring to his complaint about the Bible displayed by USAF Major Steve Lewis, Weinstein said:

[Colonel Feltman] and I had a very productive, nearly 12 minute telephone conversation regarding MRFF’s demands…on this unconstitutional matter of Major Steve Lewis’ open bible…

[Colonel Feltman] personally assured me several times that [he] had initiated an “investigation” and that it would be “fair, open and transparent”…

As anyone who has dealt with Mikey Weinstein in the past knows, such treatment is blood in the water to Weinstein. In fact, the US Air Force already knows this — which is why Read more

Air Force Major Steve Lewis Can Keep His Bible on His Desk

Peterson AFB has ruled that Major Steve Lewis was within the rules when he kept his Bible on his desk:

We have concluded that no abuse of liberties has occurred, and Maj Lewis’s behavior and the workplace environment at the RNSSI are well within the provisions of Air Force Instruction 1-1, Air Force Standards, paragraphs 2.11 and 2.12, “Free Exercise of Religion and Religious Accommodation” and “Balance of Free Exercise of Religion and Establishment Clause.”

Michael “Mikey” Weinstein was livid, naturally, as he doesn’t like it when Christians have the same religious liberty protections as everyone else. Therefore, he filed an immediate and aggressive…FOIA request. Actually, he didn’t even file it. Weinstein — who pays himself nearly $1,000 a day, every day, for his “work” in his charity — instead had a volunteer log onto the Air Force eFOIA site and submit the request for him.

Todd Starnes commended the Air Force for the right call, Major Lewis for his conduct, and then laid a gauntlet at Weinstein’s feet:  Read more

Military Christians Aren’t the Only Ones Exercising Their Faith


…they’re just the only ones criticized for doing so.

Given the way the American culture has drifted over the past few years and the impact that drift has had on religion, religious freedom, and the military, it might be forgivable that people would assume conservative Christians are the only ones publicizing their beliefs from within the military.

That’s an easy framing, but it is not an accurate one.

It turns out that other “liberal” religious beliefs — and even non-beliefs — have been just Read more

Jason Torpy on ChristianFighterPilot.com, Polite Religious Discourse

From Jason Torpy, perpetually-offended former Army atheist and current voice for the Military Association of Atheists and Freethinkers, in response to the publicity surrounding recent articles on God and Country:


Jason Torpy exactly. a troll best ignored. if the topic can’t be found somewhere legitimate, then there’s no reason to talk about it.


Jason Torpy best not to repost this troll’s poison

It would seem Jason Read more

MRFF Focuses Bible Attack on Display, Accommodation

Former Assembly of God pastor Joan Slish, an advisory board member of Michael “Mikey” Weinstein’s MRFF, is a constant source of delightful insight into the MRFF’s sometimes opaque logic. Most recently, she responded to an MRFF detractor, as she often does, with a 1,000-word post that was nearly identical to every other post she makes. There were a couple of notable deviations, however.

Referencing the recent accusation by Mikey Weinstein that USAF Major Steve Lewis should be punished for having a Bible on his desk, Slish said [emphasis added]

To place the opened, highlighted, underlined Christian Bible on a military desk 24/7 for other service members to see elevates the Christian God above all others and is in violation of the Constitution, Separation of Church and State under the Establishment Clause, Reynolds v. U.S., Lemon v. Kurtzman, the Lemon Test, Parker v. Levy and AFI 1-1, Section 2.12.

Yes, the MRFF appears to believe that a Bible on a military member’s desk is the state establishing religion. Apparently ISIS is doing it wrong. Put a Koran on a desk and the caliphate is won, according to Mikey Weinstein.

We’ll ignore Slish’s ignorance regarding a citizen being in “violation” of court cases. (That’s not the branch of government that makes or enforces laws, Joan.)

The relevant issue is her contention that the Bible was, in Read more

To Major Steve Lewis & Peterson Air Force Base: Ignore Mikey, and He will Flee. Guaranteed.

by Sonny Hernandez

It is always demoralizing to hear perplexing tales of snowflake liberals in the Armed Forces who become incensed over the mere presence of a Bible. As a result of just such an offense, an Air Force officer is now under investigation after years of keeping an open, highlighted Bible on his desk, leading to another of Mikey Weinstein’s inconsequential tirades.

There is an underlying issue of why Mikey Weinstein of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation is disdainful towards an open, highlighted Bible on Major Steve Lewis’s desk. Weinstein abhors the Bible, which Christians adore! As I have stated on multiple occasions, Mikey Weinstein does not contend with anyone who distributes material that references Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, leprechauns or fairies. Why? It is because none of them exist! Weinstein always contends with references to God because he knows God exists, which is why his anti-God suppression is invariable.

There is a reason Mr. Weinstein rejects the Bible. Weinstein does not reject the truth of the Bible because it contradicts itself; instead, he rejects the Bible because Read more

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