Tag Archives: military religious freedom foundation

Harassed by Mikey Weinstein, Part 7: You’re Being Watched

Michael “Mikey” Weinstein has demonstrated an obsession with ChristianFighterPilot.com — at least, insomuch as he wants to lodge complaints about this site mere minutes after content is published.

Presumably, the time he spends monitoring this site is part of the reason Mikey Weinstein has paid himself nearly $1.95 million to date from the donations his charity receives. It turns out, though, that he’s not the only one he drags into rapid-response.

It seems Mikey Weinstein has had his lawyer, Randy Mathis, on speed-dial. On 30 August 2011, an article was posted here entitled “Military Atheists Miss the Mark with Chaplain “Humor”“. The article discussed the “first act” of then-US Army Sergeant Justin Griffith, who had just become “military director” for American Atheists.

For his opening volley, Griffith had chosen to denigrate US military chaplains and their service — and sacrifice — to their country. The article rebutted his claims — noting, for example, that multiple chaplains had received the Medal of Honor.

Mikey didn’t like it.

The Air Force soon received a letter from Randy Mathis. Not Read more

Religious Troops: Is God First in Your Life? Then Get Out.

Military troops of faith — Christian, Jewish, Muslim, and others — have long served in the US military. They have done so with honor and distinction, earning the highest accolades and making the highest sacrifices.

And former Army officer Sue Fulton thinks they shouldn’t be allowed to serve in the military at all.

As discussed by Sonny Hernandez, in an interview with the New York Times Fulton was aghast that military chaplains have the gall to claim their God is greater than their government — and they should therefore not be in the military:

Some chaplains argue: ‘My first responsibility is to God.’ Well, if your responsibility is to God and not the Army, you need to get out of the Army.

Hernandez accurately summarized Fulton’s intolerant and ultimately unconstitutional advocacy:

[When] Fulton argues that chaplains should get out of the military if God is first in their lives, she is establishing a religion over theirs…She is [saying] the Constitution only works one way, and that the Defense Department’s policy on pluralism is extended only to those with convictions are agreeable to hers.

Fulton’s declaration is utterly ridiculous — and bigoted. Millions of troops before Read more

President Trump Nominates Heather Wilson for Secretary of the Air Force

President Donald Trump has nominated former US Rep Heather Wilson (R-NM) to be the next Secretary of the Air Force. Wilson is a 1982 distinguished graduate of the US Air Force Academy, was a Rhodes Scholar, and served with the National Security Council before being elected to the House of Representatives.  She would be the first USAFA graduate to be Secretary of the Air Force.  Compared with other recent Service Secretaries, her foreign policy, elected office, and military service credentials are rather impressive.

Like many of Trump’s nominees, Wilson’s name is less well-known. Generally speaking, she appears to lean conservative as a Republican.  Some reports indicate she is a Methodist, a denomination that runs the spectrum of belief.

Still, Wilson’s name should be familiar: As detailed here, Heather Read more

Mikey Weinstein Demands “Aggressive Punishment” after LtGen Steven Kwast Mentions God

Michael “Mikey” Weinstein recently demanded the US Air Force “aggressively punish” LtGen Steven Kwast, Commander and President of the Air Force’s Air University, claiming he violated Air Force regulations by “discuss[ing]” his faith.

While typical and not unlike his rebuffed accusations against LtCol Michael Kersten, this Weinstein complaint is unique in its near-honesty.

First, Weinstein readily admitted he filed the complaint only because LtGen Kwast “openly discussed his (Christian) faith” (parentheses original) and, shockingly, quoted the Bible:

Lt. Gen. Steven L. Kwast openly discussed his (Christian) faith by, among other faith-based statements, quoting New Testament scripture from Matthew 25:21…

It would be more accurate to say LtGen Kwast mentioned his faith, but it’s Read more

Mikey Weinstein: Trump Inaugural, Sky Falling. Send Money.

Michael “Mikey” Weinstein has nearly come unhinged in the past few days as he’s posted frothing attacks at soon-to-be President Donald Trump and his incoming administration — aligning those attacks, of course, with a televangelist-style plea that people send him money — because he is their only hope.

As with everyone else he dislikes, Weinstein called Trump and those associated with him names, including declaring Trump a “dictator.” That Trump was voluntarily and lawfully elected by more than 60 million Americans — in an outcome even Hillary Clinton accepted — appears to have escaped the fact-challenged Weinstein.

Naturally, Mikey Weinstein doesn’t cite a single thing about Read more

FRC Highlights Potential Trump Religious Freedom Targets

The Family Research Council has been highlighting the “top 20 ways” Donald Trump can dramatically and quickly influence “values issues” in his first 100 days in office.

At #15, the FRC said

Address Regulations Regarding Military Service of People Identifying as Transgender

Notably, FRC simply called on the administration to “address” the regulations — they didn’t explicitly call for the issue to be reversed.

At #18, the FRC said

Strengthen DOD Religious Freedom Protection

Here, the FRC highlighted Service-specific regulations (AFI 1-1, SECNAVINST Read more

Jeff Sessions Criticized for same Christian Beliefs as Ronald Reagan

I do believe that we are a nation that, without God, there is no truth, and it’s all about power, ideology, advancement, agenda, not doing the public service.

The quote above by President-elect Donald Trump’s Attorney General nominee Jeff Sessions is a statement of the obvious to millions of Christians, yet is being touted as proof Sessions is unqualified for government service.

In a widely distributed piece at The Daily Beast, author Jay Michaelson cites the above under the headline “Jeff Sessions Said ‘Secularists’ Are Unfit for Government,” and questioned Sessions’ fitness for the office:

[Sessions’] comments raise questions as to which set of “truths,” religious or secular, would motivate his Justice Department’s decisions on which laws to prosecute, which liberties to protect, and which interpretations of legal and constitutional texts to adopt.

That’s moronic for two reasons.

The first is the obvious “truth” that Read more

Retired Chaplain Norris Burkes Wrong on Gen Costin, Religious Freedom

Retired US Air Force Chaplain Norris Burkes first came to the attention of this site in 2009, when the syndicated chaplain wrote a column about the burning of Afghan-language Bibles by American troops in Afghanistan (a controversy discussed here). In essence, Burkes approved, and noted:

The possession of such religious material violates something the military calls General Order No. 1.

Though he was dismissive of most input, he did finally concede that he was wrong — General Order Number One says no such thing.

Despite the admission, Burkes declined to change the article, and it can still be found on his website, with the unchanged statement that even Burkes admitted was wrong.

Chaplain Burkes recently popped up again, and for some reason he Read more

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