Tag Archives: mikey weinstein

Mikey Weinstein’s Motivation Against BGen Teichert Revealed

Mikey Weinstein’s good side, taken at the Broadmoor via Pam Zubeck.

For a few minutes, Michael “Mikey” Weinstein managed to stick to his scripted talking points that he was concerned about BGen John Teichert’s alleged ‘abuse of authority’ with regard to religion — not the religion itself.

But that fell apart pretty quickly.

First, Weinstein claimed it was a lack of “disclaimers,” then it was about the fact BGen Teichert’s beliefs were public. Then it was the fact BGen Teichert’s statements were “offensive.”

Weinstein’s moving goalposts were intentional obfuscation — and a bit of scrambling for Read more

Faithful, Churches Aim to Serve, Influence US Military

Two recent articles, among others, demonstrate the strength of the relationship between the US military and the local church — especially churches that go out of their way to serve the military community.

The relationship between the military and Manna Church in Fayetteville — outside Fort Bragg — was documented at Religion News Service:

This dynamic megachurch is similar to many others across the country, except for this: 70 percent of church members are military families based at Fort Bragg, the nation’s largest military installation. And despite a rapid turnover of members, due to deployments, retirements and transfers to other bases, the evangelical church has not only held steady, but grown.

Manna Church actually spreads Read more

Mikey Weinstein Fails to Find Allies in Teichert Attack

Michael “Mikey” Weinstein’s recent attack on BGen John Teichert over the exercise of his Christian faith have blanketed the media over the past few days. It is has been universally bad for Weinstein — and an apparent unanticipated blessing for the ministry of PLUS.

Even average readers see the amount of mental gymnastics Weinstein has taken to make himself “offended,” as well as his misrepresentation of unattributed commentary as carrying the force of rank and command. (One site even noted PLUS is essentially anonymous, and that Mikey Weinstein basically “doxxed” BGen Teichert, then turned around and accused him of illegal conduct based on connections Weinstein made.) As a result, many people are seeing through to the hate-based motivation driving Weinstein’s complaint.

Multiple sites have covered the complaint, supporting BGen Teichert, and — though you should never read the comments — it has been fascinating to see how many self-avowed Mikey Weinstein acolytes are saying he went too far.

The only people who seem to be defending Weinstein are those already associated with the MRFF, including, oddly, chaplain-endorser David Plummer, who joined in on Todd Starnes Facebook page to seemingly support the attack on military religious freedom.

“Friendly” atheist Hemant Mehta also repeated Mikey Read more

SecAF Heather Wilson Visits FE Warren after Bible Dispute

Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson visited FE Warren Air Force Base last week — not long after FE Warren and its commander, Col Stacy Huser, were in the news for removing a Bible from public display at Michael “Mikey” Weinstein’s request.

It seems her visit was likely planned prior, but given the publicity the topic was certainly broached.

It would have been interesting to hear the conversation between Read more

Mikey Weinstein Targets AF Gen John Teichert over Christianity

Update: Covered by Todd Starnes, who apparently received a visit from Gen Teichert while Starnes was in the hospital.

Michael “Mikey” Weinstein’s latest target in his war against Christians in the US military — despite his repeated assurances he is not attacking Christians — is US Air Force BGen E. John Teichert.

Until last month, BGen Teichert was the commander of the 11th Wing and Joint Base Andrews in the Washington, DC, area — home to the presidential fleet of aircraft, among other things. He recently took command of the 412th Test Wing at Edwards AFB, CA.

Though it is difficult to tell exactly, it seems Mikey Weinstein is trying to accuse BGen Teichert of using his rank and position to convert people to Christianity, though it took a tortured, cynical, and twisted series of steps to come to that conclusion.

The difficulty is poorly laid out in the 22-page letter [PDF] written by Read more

Mikey Weinstein, MRFF Defend Christian Chaplain…or Did They?

Michael “Mikey” Weinstein bristles at accusations his organization is “anti-Christian”, despite a deep well of examples to bolster that characterization. To defend himself, Weinstein frequently touts the unsupported — and irrelevant — claim that “96% of his clients” and many of his friends and family are Christians. He and his research assistant, Chris Rodda, are also quick to tout instances in which the MRFF (says it) has defended Christians to rebut the accusation it spends all of its time attacking Christians, and Christians alone.

To that point, the MRFF recently said it had “assist[ed] [a] senior Christian military chaplain” with regard to a complaint that arose as a result of his chapel sermon. As published by the MRFF [emphasis added]:

A senior active duty Christian Military Chaplain [sic] contacted MRFF President/Founder Mikey Weinstein for assistance in responding to an investigation initiated after a sermon he preached during a worship service at his military base chapel. This investigation resulted from…complaints levied by a congregation member alleging Conduct Unbecoming an Officer and Contempt for the President of the United States based on the content of this MRFF client’s sermon.

Briefly, the Navy chaplain declined Read more

Fort Campbell Jewish Community Quietly Moves On

Remember the seeming hue and cry over the “firing” of Jeannette Mize (and her husband) as the Jewish lay leaders at Fort Campbell a few months ago? For all the world-ending angst that accompanied the thinly-supported public accusations, it seems no one was interested in carrying it through, including the normally verbose Michael “Mikey” Weinstein.  No one has said a word in months.

For its part, Fort Campbell has also remained silent on the subject.

The Forward reported back in late May that Jewish services had resumed under a new lay leader, and they may be better than they were before:

One Jewish person on the base, who asked not to be named due to Army regulations against speaking to the press, appreciated the new leader, telling the Forward that the vibe was now more welcoming.

“It’s improved to the positive,” the person said. “In fact, more people are showing up.”

There appears to Read more

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