Tag Archives: homosexual

Wikileaker Bradley Manning Attempts Suicide Again

Former US Army PFC Bradley “Chelsea” Manning was convicted of stealing classified information and passing it on to Wikileaks in 2012.

During Manning’s court-martial, one of his defenses faulted the Army for failing to recognize his “emotional distress” and therefore take away his access to classified information. Manning’s lawyers claimed the alleged cause of the emotional distress was his “gender identity” issue.

This was undoubtedly a disturbing tactic to the transgender movement, as they tried to assert it was perfectly normal, and posed no security risk, for a man to think he was a woman.  Yet it seems Manning, one of those very people, believed differently.

Manning has reportedly attempted suicide a second time during Read more

US Air Force Academy Fights Masculinity in the Military

Update: The College Fix reports on the more widespread trend of devaluing masculinity in American universities, and a member of the British parliament apparently thinks James Bond, too, conveys a message of “toxic masculinity.”

The US Air Force Academy is proudly leading a “pioneer program” designed to reduce “hyper-masculinity” in the US military. Aimed at both genders, the topics for the female cadets seem encouraging:

Female cadets focus on women’s issues within the Academy and overcoming unique challenges for female cadets…

Shockingly, the official Air Force article unashamedly lauds the fact the program discourages the male cadets [emphasis added]:

Male cadets focus on understanding the social pressures of hyper-masculinity and the negative impacts of these attributes in leadership within a diverse military environment.

One of the female cadets said she came away Read more

Did USAFA Chaplains Participate in Historical or Halloween Event?

usafachaplainsby Sonny Hernandez

On October 29, 2016, US Air Force Academy chaplains participated in a self-described ecumenical event to “explore the upcoming 500th anniversary of the Lutheran Reformation.” A USAFA release described the event as analogous to the service “led by Pope Francis and Bishop Munib Younan in Lund Sweden, on October 31,” where Catholics and Lutherans were “urged to take decisive steps toward unity.

A Christian observer would not see this type of event as ecumenical, but evil. The Protestant Reformation was not a celebration between Catholics and Lutherans. It was a time of protest and schism because of the Roman Catholic corruption.

Christian scholars who have been impacted by Read more

US Troop Pay Raise Connected to “Gay Rights Feud”

An article at McClatchy (repeated at the Stars and Stripes) linked the previously-discussed Russell Amendment with the more-headline worthy issue of troop pay:

A pay raise for U.S. military troops could face a long wait as Congress steps up a feud over gay rights in trying to wrap up a long-stalled 2017 defense authorization bill.

The borderline-sensationalist headline tops an article that almost exclusively presents the issue as one of the “right to discriminate”:  Read more

SPLC: And Then They Came for the Atheists

Hemant Mehta of the “Friendly Atheist” blog was recently aghast that Ayaan Hirsi Ali — a Somali born woman who grew up Muslim but is now an atheist and outspoken critic of Islam — was added to the Southern Poverty Law Center’s list of “anti-Muslim extremists.”

The SPLC, of course, is famous for its list of “hate groups.” They’ve affixed that label to certain conservative Christian organizations that say homosexuality is an evil that can and should be cured — but not churches that merely believe it’s a sin…

But now, a couple critics of Islam have joined the club, which makes me wonder why anyone should take the SPLC seriously at this point.

Mehta is blind to his own irony: He says it’s fine for the SPLC to designate “hate groups” who speak out about homosexuality, but he’s suddenly offended when those who speak out about Read more

Military Religious Freedom Again at Issue in National Defense Act

It’s been in the paperwork for months, but the “exciting” political environment has overshadowed the potential religious liberty fight brewing in the 2017 National Defense Authorization Act. The House version of the NDAA contains a simple, if seemingly obtuse, statement known as the Russell Amendment (via Rep. Steve Russell, R-OK, who offered the amendment):

Any branch or agency of the Federal Government shall, with respect to any religious corporation, religious association, religious educational institution, or religious society that is a recipient of or offeror for a Federal Government contract, subcontract, grant, purchase order, or cooperative agreement, provide protections and exemptions consistent with sections 702(a) and 703(e)(2) of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 2000e-1(a) and 42 U.S.C. 2000e-2(e)(2)) and section 103(D) of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 USC 12113(D)).

The short version of the story is that in 2014 President Obama issued an Executive Order that required anyone wanting to do business with the Federal government to affirmatively state they hire without regard to “sexual orientation or gender identity.”  That could very well affect a large number of contractors who do hire with regard to such issues — because they hire based on the requirements of their religious faith.

The Russell Amendment basically Read more

LGBT Activists are Using Military Kids to Advance their Agenda

Homosexuals discovered a few years ago that if they could normalize homosexuality within the US military, then they could normalize it within society.  Saying it was “unfair” that homosexuals couldn’t get “equal rights” wasn’t enough.  But if you could say those same homosexuals were “giving their lives for their country,” the mood would change.

They subsequently discovered that homosexuals who were denied the military benefits of “marriage” — especially when one was killed in the line of duty — made a powerful argument for redefining marriage.

It’s a technique that has worked — and it’s a technique that other special interest groups have attempted to mimic ever since (and others haven’t yet thought of it).

Transgender activists tried the same thing, but when one of the best examples of a man wanting to be a woman is convicted for stealing state secrets (a la Bradley “Chelsea” Manning), they faced an uphill battle. Worse still, due to overexposure society has almost grown numb to the “we risk our lives for this country” meme. Transgender activists needed something more.

So they went for the children. They went Read more

LGBT Agenda in the Armed Forces: The Transgender Policy, Part 1

by Sonny Hernandez

In October 2016, the Department of Defense officially published “An Implementation Handbook” to “Transgender Service in the US Military,” which pertains to transgender service members openly serving. The implementation handbook was expected, since the Air Force has already begun training service members that men can become women. How should Bible-believing service members feel about receiving training that will inculcate them about a transgender lifestyle that they believe is wrong (Romans 1:24-32)? Since the Bible provides explicit content (indicatives and imperatives) regarding immorality, it is plausible to say that many will feel discomposed.

Bible-believing service members must exercise their Read more

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