Tag Archives: homosexual

Calling all Daniels: General Warner Calls for Ambassadors for Christ

Retired USAF BGen David Warner, Executive Director of Officers’ Christian Fellowship, recently wrote about the changing nature of the military environment — and the challenge it presents to Christians today:

When I served, our on-base neighbors had traditional marriages. I didn’t know what sexual dysphoria was. No one mentioned that they had a different sexual orientation. I bring up these points not to rail against our current culture, but to highlight how vastly different the military environment is today…

Gen Warner notes, though, that isn’t just the military culture [emphasis added]:  Read more

BGen Kristin Goodwin and the USAFA Honor Code

We will not lie, steal, or cheat, nor tolerate among us anyone who does.
– US Air Force Academy Honor Code

Integrity first. Service before self. Excellence in all we do.
– US Air Force Core Values

BGen(S) Kristin Goodwin, soon to be the newest Commandant of Cadets at the US Air Force Academy, commissioned into the Air Force with the Academy Class of 1993.

The policy known as “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” was instated in February of 1994. Anyone who entered the military prior to that date answered a question about homosexuality during Read more

Report: BGen Kristin Goodwin Newest USAFA Commandant, First Homosexual

UPDATE: Now covered at LifeSite news, with commentary by USAFA graduate and former Navy chaplain Gordon Klingenschmitt.

UPDATE: Now covered at the Air Force Times, War is Boring, and by the US Air Force Academy.

The Colorado Springs Independent has reported [updated link] the US Air Force Academy announced BGen(S) Kristin Goodwin would be the incoming Commandant of Cadets, replacing BGen Stephen Williams.

Michael “Mikey” Weinstein found out about it and was miffed at USAFA for not making a bigger deal about it, and he said he was “thrilled” — all because Col Goodwin is a homosexual.

Col Goodwin has been in the news for years, and it has been widely reported that she has a “wife and two children”.  She would be only the second female USAFA Commandant.  Col Goodwin is a B-2/B-52 pilot and has been a wing commander — where her somewhat unique take on unit priorities was “people, mission, pride“.  She is also a USAFA ’93 graduate.

To their credit, USAFA reportedly made the announcement without mentioning her sexual practices — a fairly rare occurrence and one sure to be “corrected” once the news hits the mainstream press.

Col Goodwin’s promotion to Read more

Military Homosexual Group Loses White House Access

Ashley Broadway, the “devout Christian” homosexual activist who has used military spouses to make a point about sexuality, recently gave an interview reported at The Hill. She recounts her story without much new detail, but then reveals an interesting tidbit [emphasis added]:

After raking in wins under former President Barack Obama, the AMPA is hunkering down for uncertain times under President Trump.

Since the inauguration, the AMPA has lost contact with the White House and the Pentagon, Broadway-Mack said. She attributes that both to jobs not being filled yet and to being purposefully ignored.

While they’ve portrayed themselves as an oppressed minority, the homosexual movement has had wide access to policy makers and military leaders for years. This Read more

“Evangelical Christians need to stop being wimps”

Evangelicals have confused Christ’s command to love others with being likable, as if that were an attribute of God. (It isn’t.) As such, they endeavor to be, above all else, inoffensive and polite. This doctrinal malpractice has given us a generation of men who are what Lewis called “men without chests…”

I urge you instead to be offended by the way our God’s name is blasphemed in our country every day; by the 54 million children murdered in the holocaust of abortion since 1973; by the sordid sexual agenda that is eroding the very fabric of Western civilization; by the Read more

Atheist Jason Torpy Equates Nude Photo Sharing with Straight Marines

A scandal broke out this week reporting a Facebook page made by and for current and former US Marines — which contained “naked and compromising” photos of (presumably female) Marines, some of whom may not have been aware their photos were being used.

This is hardly the first such gender-based scandal in the Navy and Marine Corps, much less the military as a whole. Just recently, the Navy was embarrassed when its early voyages of females on submarines experienced a similar photo-taking crime, and hardly a cruise goes by without a US Navy Sailor being sent home because she got pregnant while deployed.

Yesterday atheist and former US Army Captain Jason Torpy took to Facebook in response to this latest scandal to say men need to “police their own” — but not just “men” [emphasis added]:  Read more

Tom Carpenter, Gay Chaplains Group Takes on Tolerance of Islam

In a fascinating example of his tone deaf prejudice, Tom Carpenter of the Forum on the Military Chaplaincy managed to, yet again, demonstrate his bias when he highlighted Chaplain (LtCol) Khallid Shabazz — the soon-to-be first Muslim Division chaplain in the US Army.  Carpenter said Chaplain Shabazz was

A real world example of how a chaplain of one faith provides support for troops and their family members who do not share his religion.

It is worth noting every military chaplain is tasked to provide support even for those who do not share his religion — and Carpenter has never provided a “real world example” of one who didn’t, though he has certainly made plenty of baseless accusations.

More tellingly, Carpenter made a fascinating assumption in Read more

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