Tag Archives: homosexual

Sexuality is Private, Except When Its Celebrated

“Your sexual orientation doesn’t relate to your job and it doesn’t relate to your successes in your career,” Bugenig said. “It’s your personal life.”
– Senior Airman Benjamin Bugenig, public affairs

SrA Bugenig was speaking in response to Beale Air Force Base conducting an LGBT Pride 5K Color Run to

recogniz[e] gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning servicemen and women. About 50 airmen participated in the event.

US troops participated in other Read more

The Conflict Between Transgender Military Policies and Religious Belief

“[US troops] who…subscribe to Christian belief as set forth in the Bible [believe] that God created humans male and female; that sex is innate, and unchangeable; and that their faith prohibits them from seeing or being seen in a state of undress, and from sleeping, showering or performing private bodily functions with members of the opposite sex who are not their spouse.

“These [service members] are also aware and subscribe to the belief that science confirms the biblical account: there are over 6,500 unique differences between males and females, beyond Read more

Activist Ashley Broadway: Unequivocal Proof Transgenders Strengthen Military

Last Friday the US military decided to delay enlisting those who identify as transgender, with Secretary of Defense James Mattis saying the policy proposal initiated under the previous Obama Administration would be reviewed with “one standard” in mind [emphasis added]:

Mattis said he believes the department must measure “each policy decision against one standard” — whether it affects the ability of the military to defend the nation.

This is unnerving to LGBT activists who have made a concerted effort to claim allowing people who identify as “transgender” to serve would ultimately have no effect on the military.  Thus, if anyone is able to demonstrate a negative affect on the ability of the military to defend the nation — say, the monetary cost, distraction to the primary mission, disruption to unit morale, loss of moral integrity, logistical questions and complaints, just to name a few — the LGBT’s progressive social agenda emplaced under President Obama could come to a screeching halt.

(Notably, there is an important precedent for this concern: The repeal of DADT Read more

US Military JAG Corps Lesbian, Muslim Lawyers Make News

In an official article, the US Navy announced that Navy LT Jennifer Johnson was awarded status as one of the “best LGBT lawyers under 40” by the National LGBT Bar Association:

The association established the award to recognize legal professionals under the age of 40 who distinguished themselves in their field and advocated LGBT equality.

A previous release from the Navy (and the award website) indicates Navy LT Paul Wagoner was similarly recognized.  Fortunately, there does not appear to be an organization that only recognizes lawyers who have heterosexual sex, nor does the Navy appear to highlight such JAGs.

Johnson’s public recognition by the US military is supremely ironic, given  Read more

Army Withdraws Reference on Resources for LGBT Children

Tomorrow the US Army in Hawaii was scheduled to host an “expo” of support resources on sexual assault and suicide prevention, which was supposed to include “resources for LGBT children.” The original article, entitled “Who do I talk to? 8TSC Expo includes SHARP, suicide prevention, resources for LGBT children,” read [emphasis added]:

June is LGBT Pride Month, recognizing the proud legacy of LGBT men and women who are part of the fabric of our nation and Army. One area where resources are not often discussed is regarding what is available to help parents start a healthy dialogue with their children who are LGBT. This year’s expo offers an option for that too.

“This year we will Read more

Friendly Atheist Tries, Fails to Qualify Criticism on SPLC Hate Groups

Hemant Mehta recently stumbled all over himself trying to say that the Southern Poverty Law Center’s designation of “hate groups” is fine when it comes to Christians, but not when it comes to atheists (something he first tried to do last November).

Just a few days ago Mehta defended the SPLC when Guidestar, a charity review site, began including the SPLC’s ‘opinion’ on charities it claims are “hate groups”.  Within the conversation, Mehta appropriated the SPLC’s “hate group” designation for some Christian groups.  When those groups complained they were being targeted for their beliefs, Mehta said “that’s a lie” and celebrated the idea they would lose charitable donations for the designation. (Guidestar subsequently dropped the categorization under pressure.)

Then, the news broke that Maajid Nawaz is suing the SPLC. He’s a former Read more

Breaking: World Will End if Transgenders Banned from US Military

There are indications that successful attempts to use the US military as a tool for normalizing neo-sexuality in the American culture are coming to a grinding halt. President Trump’s decision not to proclaim American “pride” in homosexual behavior for the month of June gave LGBT activists a case of the vapors, and more recent news indicates the DoD is pushing back against allowing transgenders to enlist (previously discussed) [emphasis added]:

Military chiefs will seek a six-month delay before letting transgender people enlist in their services, officials said Friday…

Officials said Friday that the chiefs believe the extra half-year would give the four military services time to gauge if currently serving transgender troops are facing problems and what necessary changes the military bases might have to make.

Despite the fact a longer delay was denied, it’s that second sentence that Read more

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