Tag Archives: bathroom

Transgender Advocates Celebrate Gallup Poll, Ignore Conflicting Data

The homosexual advocacy American Military Partner Association (AMPA) has merged with OutServe-SLDN to form the Modern Military Association of America. (Apparently, being anything other than heterosexual is “modern.”) The group recently celebrated results from a Gallup poll that appear to show the majority of Americans supporting transgender service in the US military. From their release:

As this survey proves, an overwhelming majority of Americans — including a majority of veterans — agree that what matters is the ability to accomplish the mission, not someone’s gender identity.

While that’s a convenient conclusion, the survey “proves” no such thing.

The survey (available heredoes say that 71% of “national adults” “favor allowing openly transgender men and women to serve in the military?” But look at an important breakdown:

Military veterans: 56% support, 43% oppose
Non-veterans: 73% support, 25% oppose

It would seem people who have actually served in the military are Read more

On Christianity, Children, Transgenders, and President Trump

Children should not be turned into pawns of culture war experimentation…

There are good reasons to put boys and girls in different bathrooms and locker rooms and sometimes sports teams, reasons that don’t impugn the dignity of people but uphold it… Every human being knows that there are important, and necessary, differences between men and women. Without such recognition, women are harmed and men are coarsened…

“If anything, there’s much more of a case to be made that one can feel to be a different age than one’s doctor’s exam or birth certificate would show…It’s something else entirely if chronological self-identity is Read more

LGBT Activists are Using Military Kids to Advance their Agenda

Homosexuals discovered a few years ago that if they could normalize homosexuality within the US military, then they could normalize it within society.  Saying it was “unfair” that homosexuals couldn’t get “equal rights” wasn’t enough.  But if you could say those same homosexuals were “giving their lives for their country,” the mood would change.

They subsequently discovered that homosexuals who were denied the military benefits of “marriage” — especially when one was killed in the line of duty — made a powerful argument for redefining marriage.

It’s a technique that has worked — and it’s a technique that other special interest groups have attempted to mimic ever since (and others haven’t yet thought of it).

Transgender activists tried the same thing, but when one of the best examples of a man wanting to be a woman is convicted for stealing state secrets (a la Bradley “Chelsea” Manning), they faced an uphill battle. Worse still, due to overexposure society has almost grown numb to the “we risk our lives for this country” meme. Transgender activists needed something more.

So they went for the children. They went Read more

Conflict between Military Religious Freedom, Sexual Freedom Continues

Update: Multiple news sources now report that 11 states have sued the Federal government for its edict attempting to require public schools to let children use the bathroom of their choice, rather than the bathroom of their gender.

When the homosexual movement began in earnest to assert its lifestyle in society a few years ago, it claimed — some would say knowingly falsely — that all it wanted was the “freedom to love.” What difference did it make to you, after all, if someone wanted to love a man instead of a woman?

Those who dared to call for protection of religious liberty were shouted down as unnecessary and were accused of harboring hatred, bigotry, and being the go-to slur of “homophobe.”

Of course, as everyone now realizes, those “homophobes” were right.

Just a few years ago it would have been laughable to claim the State would force a Christian — a private citizen — to participate in and affirm a “wedding” between homosexuals.

And yet that is precisely what has happened.

Just recently it would have been unthinkable that Read more