“Breaking”: Mikey Weinstein and the USAFA Commandant’s Homosexuality

by Sonny Hernandez

On Monday, April 3, 2017, the Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF) issued a “breaking” news alert.

The MRFF alleged Christianfighterpilot.com violated the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). As a result, the MRFF demanded an investigation by the Inspector General, claiming CFP called Brig. Gen. (Select) Kristin E. Goodwin a liar. Brig. Gen. (Select) Kristin Goodwin has been chosen to be the newest Commandant of Cadets at the US Air Force Academy, and is reportedly a homosexual with a wife and two kids.

CFP did not call Brig. Gen. (Select) Kristin E. Goodwin a liar. Instead, the CFP commentary posed a rhetorical question – by definition, one whose precise answer isn’t relevant or easy to determine – to inspire discussion on philosophy – by definition, analysis of difficult problems – and morality at the US Air Force Academy and society.

The MRFF’s attempts to incite Read more

Report: BGen Kristin Goodwin Newest USAFA Commandant, First Homosexual

UPDATE: Now covered at LifeSite news, with commentary by USAFA graduate and former Navy chaplain Gordon Klingenschmitt.

UPDATE: Now covered at the Air Force Times, War is Boring, and by the US Air Force Academy.

The Colorado Springs Independent has reported [updated link] the US Air Force Academy announced BGen(S) Kristin Goodwin would be the incoming Commandant of Cadets, replacing BGen Stephen Williams.

Michael “Mikey” Weinstein found out about it and was miffed at USAFA for not making a bigger deal about it, and he said he was “thrilled” — all because Col Goodwin is a homosexual.

Col Goodwin has been in the news for years, and it has been widely reported that she has a “wife and two children”.  She would be only the second female USAFA Commandant.  Col Goodwin is a B-2/B-52 pilot and has been a wing commander — where her somewhat unique take on unit priorities was “people, mission, pride“.  She is also a USAFA ’93 graduate.

To their credit, USAFA reportedly made the announcement without mentioning her sexual practices — a fairly rare occurrence and one sure to be “corrected” once the news hits the mainstream press.

Col Goodwin’s promotion to Read more

Military Homosexual Group Loses White House Access

Ashley Broadway, the “devout Christian” homosexual activist who has used military spouses to make a point about sexuality, recently gave an interview reported at The Hill. She recounts her story without much new detail, but then reveals an interesting tidbit [emphasis added]:

After raking in wins under former President Barack Obama, the AMPA is hunkering down for uncertain times under President Trump.

Since the inauguration, the AMPA has lost contact with the White House and the Pentagon, Broadway-Mack said. She attributes that both to jobs not being filled yet and to being purposefully ignored.

While they’ve portrayed themselves as an oppressed minority, the homosexual movement has had wide access to policy makers and military leaders for years. This Read more

Response to a Counterfeit Christian, a Professing Atheist, and a Homosexual Activist

by Sonny Hernandez

The Forum on the Military Chaplaincy (FOMC) is infamously gaining exposure among Bible-believing Christians, as I have repeatedly exposed their infernal agenda.

The FOMC is a homosexual affirming, counterfeit Christian forum that desperately wants attention on their anti-Christian crusade. On February 10, 2017, the FOMC posted a response on their Facebook page to my article on the NCMAF with the question:

What is your reaction to this latest attack by Chaplain Hernandez?

The responses to my article from the FOMC were not confounding, since I did not receive a coherent or rational response to my theological argument. The responses were Read more

Air Force General Isn’t Highest Ranking Homosexual

rose3The homosexual community has vaunted the service of US Air Force MajGen Patricia “Trish” Rose, even presenting her with an award for being the “highest ranking openly LGBT service member in the US military.”

Still, members of the homosexual community likely know there are actually higher ranking individuals who are homosexual, though they’re not “open” — at least not officially.

anon3In fact, someone who outranks MajGen Rose recently took their new position in the military — and their homosexuality is apparently an open secret. This became an issue because lower level commanders were tripping over themselves directing their subordinates to mind their p’s and q’s regarding homosexuality — comments they most specifically addressed toward their chaplains.

Understandably, this Read more

Homosexual Advocates Decry Politicization of Military Personnel Policy

In an amazing display of hypocrisy, homosexual activists concerned President Trump may reverse their political gains are demanding he not “politicize” military personnel policies.

The irony, of course, is that those same groups advocated the politicization of the personnel policy when it benefited their agenda.

The homosexual advocacy group The Palm Center released a letter signed by 31 high ranking (though relatively unknown) retired military officers pleading that Trump focus on military readiness rather than social issues:  Read more

Homosexuality has made the US Military Stronger than Ever

Multiple news outlets reported on Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter’s statement about the 5-year anniversary of the repeal of the policy known as “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” The most quoted line:

I am proud to report that five years after the implementation of the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” our military…is stronger than ever…

In reality, that statement doesn’t say anything. Insert just about any subject matter and time period and the sentence’s assertion wouldn’t change.

The implication, though, and the conclusion trumpeted by gay rights advocates, is that the US military is stronger because of the repeal of DADT.

Naturally, Read more

The Homosexual, Anti-Christian Agenda and the Military

Hypocrisy, Immorality, & Problematic Issues

by Sonny Hernandez

The world is a dangerous place for Bible-believing Christians. In the Middle East, radical Islamists are telling Christians “accept us or die,” while in the United States, homosexuals are telling Christians “bake us a cake or we will sue.” This forceful reproach is the stipulation that is now being foisted upon the Armed Forces by homosexual activists who will relentlessly calumniate anyone who opposes their sexual lifestyle.

Bible-believing military chaplains have a constitutional right to express their faith convictions in the military, despite what some liberals seem to think. Recently, I published an article titled, “The Transgender (Homosexual) Lifestyle: A Military Chaplain’s Perspective.”  In response to this article, I was held in derision by innumerable homosexual supporters who categorically decried my article as judgmental hate speech. I was also accused of forcing my beliefs upon others and inciting fear to cause dissension between the Church and the LGBT community. Bible-believing military chaplains should expect hostility because of their faith convictions.

This is why I found many of the responses perplexing especially since Read more

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