Masterpiece Cakeshop: US Troops Used as Tool for Homosexual Agenda. Again.

The US military — generally considered the organization that defends the rights of Americans — is being used by activists in an attempt to restrict the rights of Americans.

Hidden within the Supreme Court oral arguments during Masterpiece Cakeshop v Colorado Civil Rights Commission yesterday was the siren call, yet again, that homosexual rights outweigh all others — because of the US military [emphasis added]: Read more

Military Homosexual Advocates Twist Religious Freedom in Briefs

Activists for military homosexual groups have filed amicus briefs opposing the Masterpiece Cakeshop in its appeal to the US Supreme Court. The bakery was accused of violating state law when it declined to create a cake for a same-sex “wedding” (see records of the case).

Apparently fearing a victory for Masterpiece Cakeshop would inhibit homosexuals’ rights within the military, Ashley Broadway — a self-described homosexual “devout Christian” — of the American Military Partner Association said (with authority):

A business that is open to the public should be open to public — period. LGBT service members and their families sacrifice so much around the world for our country, and the last thing they deserve is to be denied service here at home simply because of who they are.

That’s great. It also has nothing to do with Read more

Air Force Fires Col Leland Bohannon for Not Affirming Homosexual Marriage

The US Air Force has fired a high ranking commander and denied him a promotion to General because he declined to personally affirm a homosexual relationship.

Col Leland B.H. Bohannon is still currently listed as the commander of the Air Force Inspection Agency, Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico [Update: No longer. Now the AFIA commander is listed as Col Mark Pye, backdated to July 2017]. As detailed in a report filed by his lawyers, last May one of Col Bohannon’s subordinates retired. One of the customary presentations at a retirement is a spouse appreciation certificate, given to the spouse of the retiring member. In this case, Col Bohannon’s subordinate was a homosexual.

Col Bohannon felt that he could not sign the certificate because it would affirm a relationship that was contrary to his religious beliefs. Instead, Col Bohannon Read more

Army Nominee Mark Green Faces Homosexual Movement’s Religious Test

If critics can stop Mark Green from serving because of his Christian beliefs — will they next target Christians already serving in the military?

Opponents of Mark Green, President Trump’s nominee for Secretary of the Army, have been piling on for the past couple of days and have now solidified on arguing about when — not if — Green will withdraw from consideration.

Mark Green is in a similar position to many Christians in this country. It is politically palatable to misrepresent, caricature, and attack his beliefs — and there are entire organizations built around the advocacy of sexual behavior more than willing to oppose him being allowed to serve in government. Ashley Broadway’s Read more

Update: Homosexual Activists Rickroll Internet in Attack on Mark Green

“Rick-rolling” is an internet bait-and-switch — where you are promised one thing while the hyperlink leads to another. That’s what the homosexual activists of GLAAD recently did to supporters and detractors alike — though their supporters didn’t even seem to notice.

Regarding the attempts to take down Mark Green as President Trump’s nominee for Secretary of the Army, Green had voiced his frustration with “the liberal left [that] has cut and spliced my words about terrorism and ISIS blatantly falsifying what I’ve said.”

GLAAD responded on Green’s Facebook page, saying [emphasis added]: Read more

Hollywood and the Cultural Normalization of Homosexuality

At The Federalist, Eric Van Gorden writes on recent movies that “Subtly Destroy Kids’ Understanding Of Family And Reality.”

Lest we jump the cliff too soon: Movies can be what families make of them. Some families may watch material with potentially objectionable content or storylines for the purpose of using them as educational tools for their children. Others may not, others may not even stop to think about what they (and their children) are watching — while still others may simply not care.

But near the end of his article Van Gorden does make a very good point about the recent and controversial live-action version of Beauty and the Beast:

Disney has written only a handful of new elements into the movie to make it more progressive. There is no actual homosexual activity or conversation (this would still be too offensive to most parents).

However, there is a specific objective to normalize homosexual activity so that, one day very soon, the God-ordained family structure will be so undermined they will be able to promote openly this LGBT agenda to our children.

In other words, homosexuality was inserted just enough to be noticeable without Read more

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