Category Archives: Missionary Aviation

Missionaries Killed in Zambia Plane Crash

Missionary couple Jay and Katrina Erickson were killed in a recent crash in Zambia after working at a local hospital.  Jay Erickson was reportedly the pilot, trained by Moody Bible Institute’s Moody Aviation.  The aircraft was a 6-seat Cessna.

The couple were in their 20s and had left their two young daughters at the hospital:

Their daughters, 2-year-old Marina and 1-year-old Coral, had stayed behind at the hospital. Katrina Erickson’s parents, who live in Wisconsin, are preparing to travel to Zambia with Jay Erickson’s mother to reunite with their granddaughters, said Pastor Ron Ulmer of Hillyard Baptist Church on Monday.

While there are no further details, it remains true that mission aviation — arguably, even civil aviation — is a dangerous profession.  Though they are largely unknown and under-appreciated, missionary aviators support missions around the world.

Taking an Airplane to Africa. In a Box.

Ever wonder how they get small, limited-range General Aviation aircraft to the mission field?

They put’em in a box.

Mission Aviation Fellowhip (MAF) has a short write-up on boxing up a Cessna 182 before it is shipped to Mozambique.

Hugh Beck pokes and prods the Cessna 182 like he’s a physician giving his patient a physical. No joint overlooked, no piece misplaced. Meticulousness is required when you’re about to put a plane in a box and ship it 8,000 miles to be reassembled in the jungle…

Read more.

Missionary Aviation: A Day in the Life

The Mission Aviation Fellowship blog has an impressive blow-by-blow day in the life of an MAF pilot in the Amazon.  With a 0635 show at the airport and an 1805 last landing (2 minutes prior to sunset), the day is filled not only with a variety of sorties, but also with challenges from the weather, diversion, passengers, and emergencies.

Though abbreviated, it makes for an extremely educational peek into the work of mission aviation.

Top 10 Missionary Aviation Tips

Missionary aviation is a unique environment in which to operate, leading to the Top 10 Aviation Tips, brought to you by Mission Aviation Fellowship:

10: Always let your ducks go to the restroom before boarding.
…I ended up loading my Cessna 206 with 60 ducks that were in several cages. As I was closing up the cargo doors, one of the ducks relieved himself through the slats in the cage, dousing my pants. The flight was only 24 minutes long, but that was the smelliest 24 minutes of flight time I can remember. I flew with my head up in the air vent the whole time. – Mike Brown

9: Make sure your pig Read more

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