Top 10 Missionary Aviation Tips

Missionary aviation is a unique environment in which to operate, leading to the Top 10 Aviation Tips, brought to you by Mission Aviation Fellowship:

10: Always let your ducks go to the restroom before boarding.
…I ended up loading my Cessna 206 with 60 ducks that were in several cages. As I was closing up the cargo doors, one of the ducks relieved himself through the slats in the cage, dousing my pants. The flight was only 24 minutes long, but that was the smelliest 24 minutes of flight time I can remember. I flew with my head up in the air vent the whole time. – Mike Brown

9: Make sure your pig really is “hog-tied.”
 One time a pig got loose in flight, kicking off the cargo pod door and making a dramatic exit at 2,000 feet. The owner wanted compensation for the pig, but we held him responsible for the missing pod door. We called it even. – Brian Shepson

7: Don’t let the owner carry his large monkey on his lap, even if he insists.

5: Never try to throw up out an open window of an unpressurized aircraft while in flight.

4: Never sit behind someone trying to…well, see #5.

For the rest, visit the MAF blog.  As a hint, #1 has teeth.

One comment

  • Thanks for reposting some of the Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) aviation tips and the fun little teaser. The #1 tip is definitely a doozy.