Category Archives: Government and Religion

Mikey Weinstein Plagiarizes Renowned Apologist Alex McFarland

In a press release dated today, Michael “Mikey” Weinstein announced he was going to debate Dr. Alex McFarland at Colorado Christian University on April 11th [emphasis added]:

Renowned Civil Rights Activist Mikey Weinstein to Participate in Debate on Religious Freedom

Three days ago, Dr. McFarland also announced the debate [emphasis added]:

Renowned Apologist Alex McFarland to Debate Mikey Weinstein

It would seem Weinstein like McFarland’s word choice.  Read more

Air Force Colonel Michael Madrid Punished for Religious Expression

First Liberty Institute has sent a letter to the Air Force demanding the reversal of punitive actions taken against Col Michael Madrid for expressing his religious beliefs about sexuality.

In 2014, one of then-LtCol Madrid’s subordinates — who was in the middle of being court-martialed — accused Col Madrid of

“engaging in demeaning and derogatory behavior toward [the subordinate] based on [the subordinate’s] sexual orientation” thus “creat[ing] a hostile work environment.”

Besides the troubled circumstances of Read more

James Dobson and Gen Robert Barrow: Women in Combat and the Draft

The following article has been edited slightly for length. You can read the full letter here. The Congressional testimony referenced in the letter can be viewed here.  Formatted for readability.

By Dr. James Dobson

While most of us Americans were thinking about something else, a decades long struggle has been going on within the leadership of our Armed Forces and the political decision makers to whom they are accountable…It concerns an effort to redesign and reshape our military and has far ranging implications for the security of this country.

Since the early 1990s, each branch [of the military] has been under unrelenting pressure to conform itself to the principles of political correctness. It has been driven by powerful left-wing social movements, including radical feminism, the gay rights movement, LGBTQ ideology, and most recently, transgender influences that have swept the nation…This revolutionary social experiment has weakened the U.S. military and made our troops march to a different set of drums. But, that is where we are headed.

For example, Congress first began considering the radical notion of authorizing women in combat 26 years ago. Hearings were held on that concept on June 18, 1991, which featured generals, senators and feminists who testified on behalf of what has never been permitted in the 217-year history of this country.

Gender studies confirmed what has been known about male and female physiology, psychology, sexuality, family issues, gender norming and other dimensions of military life. What had to be considered is the undeniable fact that most women can’t run, swim, fight, climb, carry, or endure hardship like men. [Women] were designed by the Creator Read more

Calling all Daniels: General Warner Calls for Ambassadors for Christ

Retired USAF BGen David Warner, Executive Director of Officers’ Christian Fellowship, recently wrote about the changing nature of the military environment — and the challenge it presents to Christians today:

When I served, our on-base neighbors had traditional marriages. I didn’t know what sexual dysphoria was. No one mentioned that they had a different sexual orientation. I bring up these points not to rail against our current culture, but to highlight how vastly different the military environment is today…

Gen Warner notes, though, that isn’t just the military culture [emphasis added]:  Read more

Chris Rodda’s Desperate Strawman

by Sonny Hernandez

The Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF) are historically known for their loathsome philosophy against the Christian worldview and the US Constitution. Albeit the MRFF’s practices are incongruent with the recurrent constitutional polices, they will imperiously demand the omission of anything that does not comport with their God-hating, Muslim-supporting, and homosexual-affirming foundation—even if it requires a false witness.

The MRFF’s Chris Rodda just published a desperate article on the Huffington Post calling for punishment after alleging this site accused a senior officer of “being a liar.”

Who is this senior Air Force officer? Brigadier General (BGen) select Kristin Goodwin will soon be the incoming Commandant of Cadets at the United States Air Force Academy.  Ironically, Weinstein wondered why the USAFA leadership did not publicly acknowledge what he called a “groundbreaking selection of a gay, female new Commandant.”

Rodda’s article is far from being pedantic—it is frivolous, and a classic example of yellow journalism to incite Air Force leadership to react to the article titled, “BGen Kristin Goodwin and the USAFA Honor Code.”

Instead of interacting with the article, Rodda desperately relies on a strawman to devalue the writer’s character. Rodda unintelligibly makes several ad hominem allegations [emphasis added]:  Read more

Chaplains Group: Make the Military Great Again

Update: Now covered at the Stars and Stripes.

The Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty is calling on the new Acting Secretary of the Army, the Honorable Robert Speer, to reverse a last minute policy by outgoing Secretary of the Army Eric Fanning directing the Army to conduct “training on implicit or unconscious bias”:

“The military exists to protect our nation, not to be used as a laboratory for social engineering — and especially not from an outgoing official’s 11th hour order,” said Chaplain (COL) Ron Crews, USA (Retired)…“This directive does nothing to increase military readiness but wastes valuable training time just to promote a political agenda.”

The letter (PDF) notes that “implicit or unconscious bias” isn’t Read more

BGen Kristin Goodwin and the USAFA Honor Code

We will not lie, steal, or cheat, nor tolerate among us anyone who does.
– US Air Force Academy Honor Code

Integrity first. Service before self. Excellence in all we do.
– US Air Force Core Values

BGen(S) Kristin Goodwin, soon to be the newest Commandant of Cadets at the US Air Force Academy, commissioned into the Air Force with the Academy Class of 1993.

The policy known as “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” was instated in February of 1994. Anyone who entered the military prior to that date answered a question about homosexuality during Read more

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