Category Archives: Government and Religion

Yokota Air Base Sees Jesus Hopped the A Train

A group called Arts in the Armed Forces (which was founded by Kylo Ren Adam Driver) recently brought a production of “Jesus Hopped the ‘A’ Train” to Yokota Air Base:

The play is a drama on moral responsibility and the modern prison system. It takes place in a New York State prison on Rikers Island, where a young man finds himself in prisoned facing murder charges and is befriended by a surprisingly kind ex-serial killer on death row.

Sounds interesting enough.

But in the modern era characterized by divisive ideology, any media production citing Jesus and morality will almost certainly go only one of two directions: It will preach for — or it will preach against.

The ‘A’ Train preaches against. Really against.

Its near-constant stream of expletives would Read more

“Breaking”: Mikey Weinstein and the USAFA Commandant’s Homosexuality

by Sonny Hernandez

On Monday, April 3, 2017, the Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF) issued a “breaking” news alert.

The MRFF alleged violated the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). As a result, the MRFF demanded an investigation by the Inspector General, claiming CFP called Brig. Gen. (Select) Kristin E. Goodwin a liar. Brig. Gen. (Select) Kristin Goodwin has been chosen to be the newest Commandant of Cadets at the US Air Force Academy, and is reportedly a homosexual with a wife and two kids.

CFP did not call Brig. Gen. (Select) Kristin E. Goodwin a liar. Instead, the CFP commentary posed a rhetorical question – by definition, one whose precise answer isn’t relevant or easy to determine – to inspire discussion on philosophy – by definition, analysis of difficult problems – and morality at the US Air Force Academy and society.

The MRFF’s attempts to incite Read more

Justice Alito: Culture’s Hostility Toward Moral Beliefs

Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito recently spoke at a Catholic legal group sponsored by Advocati Christi, noting the hostility of some Americans to religious liberty and the need to “evangelize…religious freedom”:

Alito used his own words from his dissent in the Supreme Court’s landmark same-sex marriage case, telling the gathering he had predicted opposition to the decision would be used to “vilify those who disagree, and treat them as bigots.”

“We are seeing this is coming to pass,” he said, then mentioned Bob Dylan’s famous song lyric, “You don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.”

“A wind is picking up that is hostile to those with traditional moral beliefs,” Alito said.

Incidentally, Justice Alito is a former US Army Captain.

The culture has long been in Read more

BGen Kristin Goodwin Public Statement on Sexuality

Contrary to the misrepresentations of a few critics, the previous article that mentioned Col Kristin Goodwin simply asked a rhetorical question.  It was also an explicitly academic question — given that, as it plainly said, any answer would ultimately be irrelevant.

Most people understood the greater (and explicitly stated) philosophical, academic, and moral points of the article that, as it plainly said, spoke to general cultural and social norms — save for some who seemed to have read it with predisposed prejudices about the Christian faith.

That said, US Air Force BGen(S) Kristin Goodwin has apparently “authorized” a statement of sorts regarding her sexuality. The statement came through Michael “Mikey” Weinstein’s Military Religious Freedom Foundation, not through the Air Force: Read more

US Marine Officer on Christ’s Influence on His Life

The US Air Force routinely publishes personal profiles on its Airmen in a series called “Through Airmen’s Eyes.” The Marine Corps does something similar, with the series titled “What I’ve Learned.”

A recent subject of that series was Capt Jason Samuel, who tells his story in the first person:

My family and I were very involved in the church. Growing up in the church has influenced every decision I’ve made because understanding that Christ is my sole purpose, motivates and drives me to do things in a different way; to live out my faith as a Marine, a husband and a person. It influences absolutely every aspect in my life.

Samuel is currently the Aide-de-Camp for Read more

Christian Marine Helps Vets with PTSD

Clayton Lassiter was a US Marine in Iraq and Afghanistan. Now he’s a pastor in Florida, and he’s aiming to help veterans with some of the same struggles he had:

Since January, three of Clayton Lassiter’s buddies from his military command have killed themselves.

Having served with the Marine Corps during the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, Lassiter has dealt with his own struggles. He’s had nightmares, flashbacks and used to have trouble being in unfamiliar environments.

Notably, the article only mentions the VA once — to highlight that it is “overwhelmed.” Lassiter isn’t out to point people toward the VA; he’s trying to start a group of veterans helping veterans, potentially focusing on the area that helped him:  Read more

Harassed by Mikey Weinstein, Part 9: Threaten with IG Complaint. Again.

Michael “Mikey” Weinstein discovered the power of the Inspector General complaint process way back in 2007. By using the IG, Weinstein is able to loudly file a complaint (a step necessary for fundraising, which pays his salary) and possibly get a reaction from the military — and whether he does or not, he can still claim victory.

The best part? It’s free.

Mikey Weinstein used to say “tell it to the judge,” but it seems even he realized how impotent that made him look, given how long its been since the MRFF has seen the inside of a courtroom and how ineffective his “charity” was when it was there. (Weinstein has zero wins and six losses in military/religion cases.) Plus, lawsuits can be expensive, even if the MRFF insisted on finding attorneys who would work pro bono. Now, Weinstein’s rallying cry has diminished to a weak “I’ll file a complaint……….!!!1!1”

Speaking for the MRFF, Weinstein’s research assistant Chris Rodda recently threatened to file an IG complaint against

Care to know what happened another time the MRFF filed an IG complaint about Read more

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