Category Archives: Chaplain

Defense Amendment on Chaplains’ Prayer

Update: Bachmann’s amendment has reportedly been refused due to not being “relevant to the bill.”

US House Rep Michele Bachmann (R-MN) has introduced an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act that would “protect the religious freedom” of Chaplains in the US military, allowing them to pray in accordance with the dictates of their faith.  From the rules committee (pdf), the amendment  Read more

US Military Chaplains Visit African Leaders

A group of US military Chaplains recently visited east Africa to “strengthen relationships between the American people and Muslim communities.”

The Chaplains were Navy Capt Rob Young, Air Force Capt Walid Habash, Air Force LtCol Gary Snyder, and Army Col David Colwell.  Habash is an Islamic Chaplain, making him particularly interesting to the local communities.

The article highlighted the potential role of Chaplains beyond service to American servicemembers:  Read more

Army to Get Second Buddhist Chaplain

According to the University of the West, a Buddhist-founded university near Los Angeles, US Army First Lieutenant Somya Malasri will soon be the Army’s second Buddhist Chaplain (behind Chaplain (Lt) Thomas Dyer).

The Navy also has a Buddhist Chaplain; Chaplain Shin is currently deployed to Afghanistan and has been hosting Buddhist services there.

Shin also reported, courtesy of Chaplain Dyer, the Chaplain candidacy of the next Buddhist Chaplain for the US Army, 2LT Christopher Mohr.

Air Force Chaplains will be Missed

An article at the Stars and Stripes talks about the impact to Airmen due to the Air Force’s decision to reduce the number of Chaplains (previously noted).

Chaplain (Maj. Gen.) Cecil Richardson, Air Force chief of chaplains, said he understands the need for force-shaping, but laments trimming chaplains during wartime.

“We’re fully engaged in the desert,” he said, “and we’re fully engaged stateside.”

Interestingly, the Air Force has a mandated increase of “mental health positions” at the same time it is cutting Chaplains.  Also, the Army is actually increasing its number of Chaplains, and it already has a 350-1 Chaplain-to-Soldier ratio, while the Navy expects to increase its number of Chaplains from its current 700-1 ratio (compared to 785-1 in the Air Force).  As previously noted, Chaplains in some Air Force units are already stretched thin.

Troops Say Public Prayers on Baghdad Hilltop

The US military Chaplaincy staff at Camp Liberty, Baghdad, Iraq, started a “Mountaintop Experience” to help local Americans “strengthen their resiliency.”  A significant group of servicemembers and civilians meets atop Signal Hill at 0500, overlooking the base, and prays together.

Col. Mike Lembke, the Chaplain, and Sgt Michael Lee, the Chaplain’s assistant, said:

“Spiritual resiliency is the individual ability to exercise your faith on a daily basis so you are able to understand, or you are able integrate the joys and sorrows of each day into your life,” Lembke said…

When a person has a solid, spiritual foundation, they understand that someone has everything under control and they can lean on that during the tough times instead of relying on themselves to make through, Lee said.

The group is made up of many from the base, including, as shown in the picture Read more

Alabama Guard Shows Need for Chaplains

The Alabama National Guard is a prime example of the shortage of military Chaplains (though the Air Force is currently reducing its Chaplaincy ranks).  With 5 Chaplains deployed, the 11,000 member state guard has 12 available Chaplains, or 1 Chaplain for every 900 troops.  It has no Roman Catholic priests or Jewish Rabbis.  A local newspaper article has a good discussion on how Chaplains can deal with the shortage of faith-specific leaders, and it demonstrates the pluralistic support of the military:  Read more

First Top Female Marine Chaplain Announced

The DoD announced that US Navy Captain Margaret Kibben, who was recently selected for promotion to Rear Admiral (lower half), will be the new head Chaplain for the US Marine Corps:

Capt. Margaret G. Kibben…will be assigned as chaplain of the Marine Corps/deputy chief of Chaplains/deputy director of Religious Ministries, N097B, Office of the Chief of Naval Operations, Washington, D.C.  Kibben is currently serving as executive assistant to the chief of Chaplains, Washington, D.C.

Kibben is apparently a graduate of Princeton Theological Seminary and represents the Presbyterian Church (USA).  She has also been a Chaplain at the US Naval Academy at Annapolis.

Also noted at the Navy Times.

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