Air Force Chaplains will be Missed

An article at the Stars and Stripes talks about the impact to Airmen due to the Air Force’s decision to reduce the number of Chaplains (previously noted).

Chaplain (Maj. Gen.) Cecil Richardson, Air Force chief of chaplains, said he understands the need for force-shaping, but laments trimming chaplains during wartime.

“We’re fully engaged in the desert,” he said, “and we’re fully engaged stateside.”

Interestingly, the Air Force has a mandated increase of “mental health positions” at the same time it is cutting Chaplains.  Also, the Army is actually increasing its number of Chaplains, and it already has a 350-1 Chaplain-to-Soldier ratio, while the Navy expects to increase its number of Chaplains from its current 700-1 ratio (compared to 785-1 in the Air Force).  As previously noted, Chaplains in some Air Force units are already stretched thin.