Category Archives: Chaplain

US Army Chaplain Assistant Followed God’s Call

A Chaplain assistant has an interesting story of his eventual enlistment in the US Army:  God led him to it.  From the Army article entitled “God Made a Path to the Army, It Made a Path to Peace:”

After Hurricane Ike, [Spc. Kendall] Jackson was laid off and out of work yet again. Desperate, Jackson said he started reading his Bible, looking for answers, but everything he read talked about fighting in the Army.

While he was out looking for work “with everyone else,” a stranger approached him, touched his shoulder, and said, “Do what God has told you to do.” Jackson shook off this odd encounter. Then, after a Read more

Chaplain Sponsors “Duty Day with God”

Chaplain (Capt.) Tony Cech came up with an innovative way to introduce himself to the men and women he serves.  He has led trips to the local Mount Mauna Kea observatories, which are the highest peaks in the area at nearly 14,000 feet.  These “Duty Day with God” trips serve several purposes:

The Army has developed innovative ways to help improve and maintain a soldier’s mental health throughout the years. One way is to help strengthen the spiritual health of a soldier with the help of Army chaplains…

[Cech’s] ‘Duty Day with God’ helps reduce stress and serves another purpose for Cech.

“I wanted to be able to take soldiers on a trip to help them relax and for me to try and build a relationship with them,” said Cech. “I wanted the soldiers to see an approachable chaplain for anything that is bothering them. I also wanted them to see that the chaplain goes everywhere the soldiers are.”

Read the full story.

Chaplain Team Reaches Troops through Holy Crap

Enter any military unit (but especially an aviation one) and you’re likely to find the bathroom stalls stuffed with reading materials.  In some cases you might find laminated copies of aircraft emergency procedures; in others, it might just be generic left over magazines ranging from Guns and Ammo to Newseek; in almost all cases you’ll find copies of the most recent safety publications.  (In years past, various levels of adult magazines could be found in most fighter units.  That practice has largely, though not entirely, faded away).

A US Army Chaplain’s team composed of Chaplain (Capt) Jason Hohnberger and his assistant Sgt David Cavazos recently took advantage of the traditional practice:

Holy Crap: Chaplain’s Thought of the Week, where Read more

Rabbi Becomes Newest Army Chaplain

Rabbi Heather Borshof was commissioned as a US Army Chaplain in December.  She was ordained as a rabbi by the Hebrew Union College, and has worked with a Jewish congregation and worked as a Chaplain in the Air Force since then.

Rear Adm. Harold L. Robinson, who is the first rabbi to reach the rank of admiral in the U.S. Navy, commissioned Borshof during the Dec. 3 ceremony at Temple Rodeph Torah. Her first assignment will be at Fort Belvoir in northern Virginia.

Borshof was described by the JCC as a Reform Rabbi and the “first active-duty woman Chaplain in the US Army in a generation.”

Via the Army Chaplaincy blog.

Chaplain Brings “Touch of Home” to Iraq

US Army Chaplain (Capt) Mike Voudouris recognized the support he gave to his unit was more than religion; his troops were tired and stressed,

Which are all the reasons why a chaplain’s duties go beyond simply ministering to a soldier’s spiritual needs.

After watching some Soldiers knock a few golf balls into a lake for a diversion, Voudouris put a call into his church for golf supplies:  Read more

Unique Chaplain Serves All in South Korea

An interesting article describes the busy life of a Chaplain serving the US Army in South Korea:

I spend most of my time during the week working around my battalion. I’m handling soldiers’ personal concerns, from marital problems to issues with their commanders. Soldiers in my unit have asked me to “bless” their newborn babies and perform non-religious…weddings, among other things.

Often I’m asked to deliver a “non-denominational” invocation prayer at change-of-command ceremonies and memorial observances, “spiritual fitness events” and other occasions.  Read more

Chaplain Shines as Beacon of Faith in Afghanistan

US Army Chaplain (Maj) Randal Robison “answered his calling” in becoming a minister to those in the military.  His ministry of presence and uplifting spirit are recorded throughout the official Army story:

“I look at the position I hold as the brigade chaplain as a calling,” said Robison… “I believe I am here, appointed by the Lord, to be present to provide pastoral care ministry and to be present for the services of our soldiers and for our chaplains.”

“Bringing God to soldiers and soldiers to God is very much Read more

Congress Seeks Medal of Honor for Chaplain

As previously noted, the US Army recommended Chaplain (Capt) Emil Kapaun for a Medal of Honor in 2009.  Kapaun died in captivity in North Korea in 1951 after he was captured by the Chinese; he had stayed behind when the unit retreated in order to remain with those who could not flee.  Stories told by repatriated Soldiers were of Kapaun’s continual service and sacrifice, even at great personal risk, to tend to the physical and spiritual needs of the captives.

The Associated Press recently noted that the Kansas Congressional delegation (Kapaun hailed from Kansas) is seeking legislation to grant the Medal of Honor to Kapaun.

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