Chaplain Shines as Beacon of Faith in Afghanistan

US Army Chaplain (Maj) Randal Robison “answered his calling” in becoming a minister to those in the military.  His ministry of presence and uplifting spirit are recorded throughout the official Army story:

“I look at the position I hold as the brigade chaplain as a calling,” said Robison… “I believe I am here, appointed by the Lord, to be present to provide pastoral care ministry and to be present for the services of our soldiers and for our chaplains.”

“Bringing God to soldiers and soldiers to God is very much at the basic core of my identity. I want to do to everything I can to encourage soldiers, to let them know that even in their difficult moments with the challenges they face, God is with them.”

Notably, the Chaplain is known as much for his caring as he is for his faith:

His Christian beliefs are at the core of who he is, yet for many soldiers, his ability to care and make time for others is what sets him apart.

“My favorite thing about Chaplain Robison is even when he is extremely busy, if you need to talk, he will stop what he is doing and listen to you,” said Army Pfc. Genevieve A. Harms…

“When I talk to him, he makes me feel like I am talking to someone I have known my whole life,” said Harms…”He knows where I am coming from, and he does not judge me based on the decisions I have made.

“When I see him walking toward me,” she added, “I get the feeling that everything is going to be OK. Even if I only come across him for just one second, it makes my day better.”

Chaplain Robison appears to have a genuine ministry of presence that has engendered trust and a feeling of support in the troops he serves.  Chaplains have a challenging role to fill, and it seems Robison is doing an excellent job upholding morale as well as seeing to the religious needs and freedoms of his troops.

Read the full story.

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