Category Archives: Chaplain

Chaplain Prays for Soldiers’ Target Acquisition

An Army news video (below) describes the “humble chapel” of Chaplain (Capt) Bill Robinson in Jalalabad, Afghanistan.  Like many Chaplains, Robinson is a former Soldier (combat engineer), allowing him a unique connection to the men and women he serves.

The video shows Robinson offering the troops “prayer coins” which “aren’t magic charms, but they remind you that God is with you wherever you go.” The coins reference Isaiah 41:10:

So do not fear, for I am with you;
   do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
   I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Robinson prayed with the group before they departed:  Read more

Navy Chaplain’s Visit Highlights Religious Diversity

The Navy Chief of Chaplains, Chaplain (Rear Adm) Mark Tidd, recently visited the USS Carl Vinson and its support vessels.  The Navy article recounts some highlights, but also has an interesting quote from the strike group’s command Chaplain:

“On board Vinson, we have about 15 different faith groups represented, and we are committed to this diversity,” said [command Chaplain (Cmdr) Keith Shuley]. “He comes from a Christian background, and Read more

Holy Helos Help Chaplains FOB-Hop in Afghanistan

Chaplains in Afghanistan have routinely had to “FOB-hop,” or move from one forward operating base to another, to minister to the needs of servicemembers spread throughout the country.  For example, US Army Catholic Chaplain (LtCol) Joseph Hannon travels five days a week, visiting 24 installations spread over 5,000 square miles in Afghanistan.  Chaplains in another region have “launched a new version of an old program: Holy Helos.”

Navy LtCmdr Stephen M. Coates, a chaplain with Read more

Father Mulcahy Visits Fort Bragg

William Christopher, the actor who played Father Mulcahy on the 1970s/80s TV show MASH, visited with wounded Soldiers at the Womack Army Medical Center at Fort Bragg, along with a couple of actual Army Chaplains:

Lt. Col. Ron Leininger and retired Lt. Col. Micheas Langston. Both expressed admiration for their television counterpart.

“Father Mulcahy represented some of the very best qualities of the Vietnam-era and present-day Army chaplains’ values,” Read more

Chaplains Bring Messages of Hope, Religious Freedom

US military Chaplains are deployed in the Horn of Africa

to establish lines of communication with local religious leaders.

Chaplain (CAPT) Jon Cutler and Chaplain (LtCol) David Terrinoni met with religious leaders and visited a Catholic orphanage.  While their main goal was to interact with the locals, the Chaplains also ministered to the needs of their own team:

“There is religious diversity here, but no synagogues, which make me glad Chaplain Cutler could visit,” said Chief Petty Officer Richard Anthonissen…

Cutler was able to serve Anthonissen in a way that only a rabbi can.

“During my last [CTFJ-HOA] tour, there were only Jewish lay-leaders available,” said Anthonissen. “While they meet your faith needs, a rabbi is much more – a rabbi is a teacher who makes you think and challenge your assumptions in a good way.”

Elsewhere, Chaplain (MajGen) Cecil Richardson, Read more

US Navy Chaplain Hull-Hops to Protect Religious Freedom

The practice of “fob-hopping,” or Chaplains bouncing from one forward outpost to another to minister to the needs of the troops, has previously been discussed.

Navy Chaplain (Lt) John Kelly adds another dimension to the extreme means by which the US military protects the religious freedom of its members.  Chaplain Kelly is a Roman Catholic priest, one of the most underrepresented faiths in the Chaplaincy by percentage.

Because not all Navy craft have access to a Catholic Chaplain, Read more

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