US Navy Chaplain Hull-Hops to Protect Religious Freedom

The practice of “fob-hopping,” or Chaplains bouncing from one forward outpost to another to minister to the needs of the troops, has previously been discussed.

Navy Chaplain (Lt) John Kelly adds another dimension to the extreme means by which the US military protects the religious freedom of its members.  Chaplain Kelly is a Roman Catholic priest, one of the most underrepresented faiths in the Chaplaincy by percentage.

Because not all Navy craft have access to a Catholic Chaplain, Chaplain Kelly has been “hull-hopping” from one boat (or ship, if you must) to another in the Kearsage Amphibious Ready Group afloat in the Mediterranean.

Said the Sailors:

“Bringing Chaplain Kelly aboard really shows that Kearsarge cares about taking care of its Sailors, despite what their religious beliefs are,” said Senior Chief…David Luther, one of the many Roman Catholics aboard Kearsarge. “The chaplains here do a great job in making sure we all get the services we need, and I am very grateful to Chaplain Kelly for making the trip here as often as he does.”

This not only continues to demonstrate the lengths to which the US military goes to protect religious freedom within its ranks, but it also reiterates the closeness of Chaplains to “the front lines.”  The USS Kearsage and its group are reportedly deeply involved in the conflict in Libya, including launching the recovery effort of the downed fighter.