Category Archives: Chaplain

Fort Bragg Chaplain Opens Congress with Prayer

US Army Chaplain (Capt) Rudy Stevens, currently assigned to Fort Bragg, was invited to deliver the invocation at the US House of Representatives in February.

“Lord, too often, we Americans back home forget to pray for our leaders here in D.C. Forgive us, Lord. For those assembled here in the people’s House, I pray that you give them courage, strength, and wisdom. Give them courage from our convictions, strength from your spirit, and wisdom for Read more

Navy Chaplain Receives Servant Leadership Award

US Navy Chaplain (CAPT) Steve Brown was once an enlisted Marine.  He wanted to serve as a Chaplain, but there are no Marine chaplains — they’re in the Navy.  So that’s what he joined.  He has served for 32 years, and his peer chaplains have recognized that service in recommending him for a servant leadership award.

The John H. Craven Servant Leadership Award is a peer-nominated award that acknowledges the significant Read more

Heroic US Military Chaplains

While some military atheists contend differently, a Mental Floss writer has started to compile short stories of heroic US military chaplains, well back into US history.  The author notes

Military chaplains are classified as non-combatants, but they still put their lives on the line to serve their country and its military members—and often civilians and enemy soldiers, too. Many went above and beyond the call of duty, and their stories should be remembered.

Worth a read, in Parts One and Two.

Via (2).

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