Category Archives: Chaplain

US Military Chaplains Sponsor Social Fitness

The Comprehensive Airman Fitness program is modeled after the Army’s CSF.  While it makes sense that chaplains would support the spiritual resiliency portion of the program, it turns out they play a part in the social pillar as well:

The base chapel also offers a variety of groups and activities for people with a variety of beliefs and interests including Protestant programs, Catholic programs, groups for young adults, a single parents group, Mothers of Pre-schoolers, a monthly spaghetti dinner, and different retreats Read more

Navy Chaplain Supports Spirituality, Morale in Afghanistan

US Navy Chaplain (Cmdr) Francis Foley is a Catholic chaplain serving the spiritual needs of members of the military in Afghanistan:

“It is such a great feeling when the chaplain comes out here to visit us,” said Marine Corps 1st Lt. Rick Chapman…Chapman said the visits not only increase morale, but also allow service members to seek spiritual guidance.

The chaplain serves as both a spiritual leader and a morale booster for the troops he serves:

Chapman said Marines go to the services to Read more

Chaplains Bring Easter to US Marines

Some people take issue with the presence of military chaplains serving within the borders of the US, but the religious ministry team of a Marine Expeditionary Unit showed that soldiers stateside sometimes need their spiritual resources brought to them, as well.  The unit was in field training during Easter this year:

While training is the number one priority, seven religious services were held to allow the service members to practice their faith even Read more

Chaplains Serving on the Front

Chaplains have been serving the troops for almost as long as the US military has existed, providing spiritual support and protecting free exercise wherever US servicemembers are deployed.

Khe Sanh, South Vietnam, February, 1971: Helmets are removed but placed nearby for quick retrieval as Chaplain (Capt.) Albert Hartlage Read more

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