Navy Chaplain Supports Spirituality, Morale in Afghanistan

US Navy Chaplain (Cmdr) Francis Foley is a Catholic chaplain serving the spiritual needs of members of the military in Afghanistan:

“It is such a great feeling when the chaplain comes out here to visit us,” said Marine Corps 1st Lt. Rick Chapman…Chapman said the visits not only increase morale, but also allow service members to seek spiritual guidance.

The chaplain serves as both a spiritual leader and a morale booster for the troops he serves:

Chapman said Marines go to the services to partake in religious activities and to be around others who share their beliefs with a leader of their faith. But the chaplain’s presence also gives them a chance express their anxieties and day-to-day frustrations, he added.

Foley is one of only four Catholic chaplains in the AOR, but he puts effort into visiting remote bases that don’t see a chaplain as often.

Foley said he has visited about 18 forward operating bases and combat outposts and plans to visit many more Marines and sailors while he is out here.

“I try to get out as much as I can and see the Marines out there,” he said. “If I can get them to smile and laugh, I’ve done my job and made it easier for the next chaplain who comes to visit them.”