Mikey Weinstein Attacks Mikey Weinstein over Nativity Scene

It’s Christmas in February…

Michael “Mikey” Weinstein has joined forces with the ACLU to accuse the US Marine Corps of being anti-Semitic.

Because the Marines said it was “premature” to answer a demand to put up a Menorah next winter:

On Jan. 17, the [MRFF] petitioned Marine Brig. Gen. William Jurney — commander of the boot camp and the Western Recruiting Region — to let troops of other faiths put up religious displays near the creche…

On Feb. 10, Jurney’s staff judge advocate general, Lt. Col. Jeffrey Munoz, told the foundation in a letter that such concerns were “premature” because there’s no longer a creche on the depot grounds and “the (next) holiday season is months away.”

Weinstein’s MRFF claims this response is “religious bigotry.”

That’s just asinine.

How many different Read more

Last Day to Pay Mikey Weinstein’s Phone Bill

For the past month, Michael “Mikey” Weinstein has been hammering a “crowdfunding” fundraiser in an apparent attempt to raise much needed cash (clearly banking on an “anti-Trump” wave of generosity).

Weinstein claims 50,000 “clients” but set a modest goal of only $10,000 over a period of 30 days.

He’s raised $1,248.

Mikey Weinstein — who has personally pocketed nearly $250,000 of those donations per year since he founded his “charity” — makes his money attacking US troops who are lucky to take $1,200 home in a paycheck. For Weinstein, though, that’s barely enough to cover his phone bill — for about a month.

Today’s your last chance to Read more

City Creates Public Forum after Atheist Complaint over Memorial

The town of Belle Plaine, Minnesota, opted to create a “limited public forum” after the Freedom From Religion Foundation threatened to sue them into financial ruin.

Because of a veterans’ memorial.

A display in a cemetery in Belle Plaine, Minnesota, honoring veterans consists of a soldier kneeling in prayer before a cross next to a grave. But a local citizen complained to the atheist Freedom From Religion Foundation. Alliance Defending Freedom attorney Doug Wardlow tells OneNewsNow the city council received a threatening letter from FFRF, contending the Constitution was being violated.

The town council initially voted to cut the cross off the memorial — which Read more

Air Force Chaplains Dispel Myth of Chaplaincy

US Air Force and Air Force Reserve chaplains recently helped support exercises occurring at Travis Air Force Base, California:

For Chaplain (Maj.) Matthew Ellis, for the 349th Air Mobility Wing, interacting with military members during exercises helps build relationships and a healthy level of comfort for Airmen.

In an interesting note, the article makes a point of saying [emphasis added]:

There is a myth that chaplains are only for people who are spiritual or religious, and that’s very much not the case, Ellis said.

It is a chaplain’s duty to provide protection for Airmen’s First Amendment rights.

It is true that some people think Read more

Sterling, Military Religious Freedom Get Support at Supreme Court

Court-martialed Marine LCpl Monifa Sterling has appealed to the US Supreme Court, alleging her religious liberty was violated when she was convicted for not removing Bible verses posted to her desk.

The Supreme Court has not yet agreed to hear the case — and there are already significant briefs being filed in her support.

Critics like Michael “Mikey” Weinstein have tried to frame her case as a Christian trying to inappropriately “expose” others to their beliefs — and thus deserving of court-martial.

However, people who actually support religious freedom — rather than advocate discrimination against Christians as Weinstein does — are coming out in support of Sterling.

This includes a substantial number of significant and high profile non-Christians. Those supporting Sterling’s case with amicus briefs include:  Read more

Navy Chaplain Opens Nightly Prayers to Atheist Sailor

A few days ago a Navy atheist took to the internet in search for ideas for a nightly prayer.

The US Navy still performs nightly prayers over the ships’ intercoms, much to the dismay of groups like the Freedom From Religion Foundation. It seems one chaplain decided to give the local unit atheist the chance to chime in:

we normally have Chaps read an evening prayer each night. While it doesn’t necessarily bother me to hear the overwhelmingly Christian prayers every. Single. Night. I’d like to change things up a bit. Our chaplain is open to other beliefs, so Read more

First Liberty: “Unbelievable Opportunities” for Religious Freedom

First Liberty Institute, one of the leading religious liberty legal groups in the country, recently said in an interview that they’re very hopeful about the opportunities for freedom under the Trump administration. Kelly Shackelford, president and CEO of the First Liberty Institute, said

that President Donald Trump “made a lot of promises as a candidate about religious freedom. He’s very committed to making sure that things changed. And so now it’s just going to be a matter of whether those promises are followed through.

“So far, he’s been fulfilling his promises. Read more

An Alternate View on NASIC and Mikey Weinstein

[S]ome employees of the National Air and Space Intelligence Center (NASIC) at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base could use some counseling on what diversity really means when they are ready to go to court over a charity’s religious affiliation…

Mikey Weinstein may have a wonderful second career as boss of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation and he probably believes that he represents “victims” of religious intolerance. Thus, he is empowered to enforce his view that religion has no place in the military…This is diversity? This is tolerance?

Weinstein’s strafing mission Read more

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