Chaplain Brings “Touch of Home” to Iraq

US Army Chaplain (Capt) Mike Voudouris recognized the support he gave to his unit was more than religion; his troops were tired and stressed,

Which are all the reasons why a chaplain’s duties go beyond simply ministering to a soldier’s spiritual needs.

After watching some Soldiers knock a few golf balls into a lake for a diversion, Voudouris put a call into his church for golf supplies:  Read more

Christian Fighter Pilot Addresses USAFA

Christian fighter pilot (more accurately, Christian attack pilot) Chad Hennings recently had the opportunity to address cadets at the US Air Force Academy during its annual National Character and Leadership Symposium.

Hennings, a former A-10 pilot and member of the SuperBowl winning Dallas Cowboys, was a member of the Sports Panel:

Filled with all the excitement of an NFL championship game, three-time Super Bowl champion Hennings combines hard-hitting sports action with moral truths to convey powerful, behind-the-scenes insights on what it takes to become a winner.

Others addressing the NCLS included Read more

Ugandan-born US Army Officer Praises God, Country

Some people say that Americans who grow up in other countries before becoming citizens (rather than being “born American”) have a better appreciation of the life and liberties available in the United States.  US Army Reserve LtCol Joseph D’costa, who was born in Uganda, certainly feels that appreciation.

He grew up with a desire to attend West Point, and ended up spending a year in college and turning down an ROTC scholarship not so he could attend West Point, but so he could attend the preparatory school to get ready for West Point.  He was eventually accepted and graduated in 1989:  Read more

Fighter Pilot Calls for End to Religious Garb in Uniform

Retired Air Force Colonel Martha McSally became famous several years ago for suing the Department of Defense over the Islamic abaya.  While stationed as an A-10 pilot in Saudi Arabia, she was required to wear the abaya when she went off base to avoid offending the local Islamic population.

Congress intervened before the suit was adjudicated and, in its role of creating the rules and regulations for the US military, prohibited the required wear of the abaya in Saudi Arabia.

Writing in the Washington Post, McSally now says members of the US military’s “female engagement teams” in Afghanistan are being “encouraged” (read: required) to wear an Islamic scarf again.  She has a somewhat contradictory take on their wear of the Islamic garb:  on one hand, she “applauds” the women for doing “whatever it takes to win this war.”  On the other, she feels wearing the Islamic garb is a surrender to all that is wrong with the culture in which they are fighting:  Read more

Unique Chaplain Serves All in South Korea

An interesting article describes the busy life of a Chaplain serving the US Army in South Korea:

I spend most of my time during the week working around my battalion. I’m handling soldiers’ personal concerns, from marital problems to issues with their commanders. Soldiers in my unit have asked me to “bless” their newborn babies and perform non-religious…weddings, among other things.

Often I’m asked to deliver a “non-denominational” invocation prayer at change-of-command ceremonies and memorial observances, “spiritual fitness events” and other occasions.  Read more

Chaplain Shines as Beacon of Faith in Afghanistan

US Army Chaplain (Maj) Randal Robison “answered his calling” in becoming a minister to those in the military.  His ministry of presence and uplifting spirit are recorded throughout the official Army story:

“I look at the position I hold as the brigade chaplain as a calling,” said Robison… “I believe I am here, appointed by the Lord, to be present to provide pastoral care ministry and to be present for the services of our soldiers and for our chaplains.”

“Bringing God to soldiers and soldiers to God is very much Read more

Navy Pilot: JSF is Easy to Fly

A Navy Times article on test pilot Cmdr. Eric “Magic” Buus’ flight of the F-35C highlighted his description that the jet was easy to fly:

Cmdr. Eric “Magic” Buus was the first Navy test pilot to fly the F-35B and C. But hearing his take on it, you have to wonder how much the Lightning II variants really need a warm body in the cockpit.

The speculation will continue:  Some theories already exist that the F-35 was purpose-built to one day be unmanned, despite its cockpit.

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