Military Christian Fellowship-Australia Hosts “Faith Under Fire”

MCF-Australia will be hosting the “Faith under Fire” seminar in September of this year:

Faith Under Fire will encourage and equip Defence personnel to increase their faith and prepare them to overcome physical and spiritual attacks in the line of fire. To have faith is to be sure of the things we hope for, to be certain of the things we cannot see. Historically, faith has strengthened the resolve of armed forces to achieve extraordinary results under the most trying of circumstances.

One of their speakers includes LtGen David Hurley, Vice Chief of the Defence Read more

Suicide, Religion, and the Military: Perception and Reality

An article at FoxNews notes the military’s continued effort to fight the “stigma” associated with mental health issues, to encourage troops to seek help when they need it:

“Leadership is letting folks know that it is not a sign of weakness if you ask for help,” says Navy Lt. Commander Andrew Martin, the psychologist in charge of the program…

All branches of the military are working hard to remove the stigma associated with reporting psychological issues. The old way of thinking was to “suck it up” if a soldier or Marine was having problems coping. Now, the Marines are deploying psychologists to forward operating bases in Iraq and Afghanistan so troops have a ready ear without facing the stigma of being sent back to headquarters for counseling.

The interesting thing about the military’s fight against the “stigma” is the stigma is a perception.  The military has worked so hard to remove any actual Read more

Fort Hood Youth Group Designs Chaplain Statue

A youth ministry group was responsible for the design and creation of a 1,200 pound bronze statue that will soon grace the US Army Chaplain’s School in Fort Jackson, SC:

The statue was designed and created by a group of Fort Hood kids and teens under the direction of Steve Carter, who runs [Fort Hood’s Chapel Ministry] Bob’s Diner, a middle and high school youth ministry group. Weekly Arts Nights are held at the “diner,” where youth explore and create music, drama and art in a faith-based environment.

Carter noted one of the purposes of the design was to highlight the “immediacy” of the Chaplaincy.  The statue captures a moment immediately after a battle, in which a Chaplain is able to comfort a grieving Soldier.  As has been noted before, Chaplains are literally on the front lines of US military conflicts, serving those who serve.

Read more about Bob’s DinerPhoto credit: Rachel Parks, Fort Hood Public Affairs.

Holy Helos Help Chaplains FOB-Hop in Afghanistan

Chaplains in Afghanistan have routinely had to “FOB-hop,” or move from one forward operating base to another, to minister to the needs of servicemembers spread throughout the country.  For example, US Army Catholic Chaplain (LtCol) Joseph Hannon travels five days a week, visiting 24 installations spread over 5,000 square miles in Afghanistan.  Chaplains in another region have “launched a new version of an old program: Holy Helos.”

Navy LtCmdr Stephen M. Coates, a chaplain with Read more

You Can Talk Like a Fighter Pilot, but Should You?

It seems everybody wants to be a fighter pilot, or at least pretend to be one.  Many people seem to quote fighter pilot movies without knowing what they’re actually saying.  Some quotes are accurate (pilots do say “Fox 3” when firing AMRAAMs and “Fox 2” when firing Sidewinders, a la Will Smith in Independence Day); others, not so much (pretty much everything in Top Gun).  While most fighter pilot-sounding quotes may just sound cool, quite a bit of real fighter pilot lingo is laced with sexual innuendo through the use of “clever” linguistic games.

Are you sure you want to play?  Read more

Report of Too-Low Fly-by Released

The Air Force Times obtained the investigation report of the T-38 fly-by of the Iowa-Ohio State football game that was deemed too low to be legal.  The report is not flattering of the pilots, but does reveal there was at least one mitigating factor:

An Air Force pilot who led a dangerously low flyover before an Iowa football game told investigators he descended to avoid other air traffic and then lost track of his altitude because he was busy with other tasks, according to a report documenting missteps in the flight’s planning and execution…

Two small planes had taken off without clearance Read more

DADT Update: HASC Testimony and Continued Opposition

The House Armed Services Committee recently held hearings on the proposed repeal of the policies known as “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.”

Army Vice Chief of Staff Gen. Peter W. Chiarelli, Marine Corps Commandant Gen. James F. Amos, and Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Norton A. Schwartz joined Roughead in reporting to the committee about how implementation is going. All said training is going well.

While the testimony was interesting, it was largely overshadowed by the budget debate.  Suffice it to say that while some consider repeal a “done deal,” there is still opposition both within the government and without to allowing homosexuals to serve in the military:

Rep. Vicky Hartzler, R-Mo., pleaded with the military leaders: “You are the last force to stop this onerous policy.”

Much of the questioning focused on Chaplains and Read more

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