US Secretary of State Says Homosexuality Trumps Religion

Several news sources reported the US government position that “gay rights are human rights” and the “obstacles” in the way of homosexual “rights” are based on “religious beliefs.”

[US Secretary of State Hillary] Clinton noted that among the challenges facing LGBT people is “when people cite religious or cultural values as a reason to violate or not to protect the human rights of LGBT citizens…”

Secretary Clinton said  Read more

USNA Professor Criticizes Applicant Stats

The US Naval Academy recently publicized its pace to set a record for the number of applicants.  The US military academies have a notoriously low acceptance rate, an indicator of the competitive nature of selection.

Au contraire, says Annapolis English professor Bruce Fleming.

Fleming, a fairly “frequent critic” of his employer, filed a FOIA to determine how the Naval Academy counts applicants.  He says the Academy overstates and artificially inflates the number of people who actually try to get into Annapolis.

The academy counts as “applicants” people who have not completed an application but have shown an interest Read more

Tebowing Makes Time Magazine

As noted previously, Denver Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow has an enormous platform for Jesus Christ — one he maintains with a humble yet strong spirit.

That platform has resulted in (literal) worldwide attention. “Tebowing” even made Time Magazines Top 10 Memes, one of its 54 “Top Ten” lists for 2011.

What does Tebow think of the meme? The quarterback has said he is pleased that the internet fad, however fleeting, is encouraging people to pray.

How’s your Christian witness?

Via the ChristianPost.

Moral Confusion, Sexual Behavior, and the Redefinition of Rape

Though the trend is arguably decades old, recent court cases and public events have demonstrated the apparent moral (and legal) confusion over sexual behavior in the United States (and elsewhere).  Of course, when right and wrong are decided by the tide of opinion and relativism, it’s not unforeseeable.  As noted below, the US Congress is even trying to redefine “rape” in the military context.

The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a denial of a habeas corpus petition by Paul Lowe, a man charged with adult incest with his 22-year-old step-daughter (Lowe v. Stark County Sherriff, No. 09-3942 (6th Cir. Dec. 8, 2011)).  The decision cites a wide variety of cases, some supporting his position and many not.  The court ultimately decided (as have others) there is no fundamental right to sexual conduct, even private behavior between consenting adults.

The court also said Lowe’s complaints the law was “morality-based” were Read more

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