Chick-Fil-A Closes on Sunday. A Primer on Mikey Weinstein and Hatred.
On the Facebook page of the oddly-named Military Religious Freedom Foundation, Curtis Weinstein — a former Air Force officer and heir apparent to his father’s antipathy toward all things Christian — asserted that by not operating their stores on Sundays, the owners of Chick-Fil-A are “pushing their personal religious beliefs on their workers…and even their customers”:
[T]he main issue is that the owners are pushing their personal religious beliefs on their workers by forcing them to close during certain times/days and even their customers. I only seem to want Chick-Gil-A [sic] on a Sunday and can never get them, lol! Why can’t the owners pursue their beliefs without making them systemic within their business, this affecting everyone?
The accusation is inaccurate, of course. Truett Cathy said being closed on Sunday was his way of honoring the Lord; what their employees and customers choose to do is their own business, and outside Chick-Fil-A’s control. The fact the store is closed has no bearing whatsoever on the religious beliefs or exercise of their employees — except, perhaps, to free them up to actually practice their faith on Sunday, if they so choose. It is a “neutral” viewpoint, if you will.
Weinstein’s solution to his self-made problem isn’t clear. Presumably, the government needs to step in to prevent Chick-Fil-A, a private company, from “pushing their personal religious beliefs” on people. Perhaps a ‘rights commission’ should fine Chick-Fil-A until they agree to remain open on Sunday to protect the religious liberties of everyone else. That would be in line with those who think the government should require a private citizen to bake a cake for a homosexual “wedding” ceremony — and run them out of business if they refuse.
Because making someone else do something for you is how we protect freedom today, apparently.
The idea, of course, is moronic, but the victimized angst provides an excellent demonstration of the hostility Weinstein, the elder Mikey Weinstein, and those like them have toward religious freedom. It isn’t enough for American citizens to be left alone with their religious beliefs. Tolerance, after all, would allow beliefs to flourish, even if the Weinsteins don’t approve of them — but the Weinsteins don’t seem to understand the word “tolerance.” Thus, if someone has beliefs they don’t like, the Weinsteins think the government should quash them.
Consider that, under the façade of “religious freedom,” Mikey Weinstein has declared the content of church services “constitutional violations” and has said US troops in chapel services are “what we at MRFF are up against.” You can’t get much more bigoted than that.
Consider, too, that Weinstein doesn’t just disagree with Christians — he utterly loathes them, and his vitriol comes through with every spittle-flinging tirade against Christians he says are guilty of “clear” and “egregious” violations of military policy, the law, and the US Constitution. They are “extremist predators” and “tyrants” guilty of “religious rape” who plan to take over the US and create “oceans and oceans of blood.”
Don’t you think those kinds of people should be opposed, even fought against? For his part, Weinstein has stated his desire to “utterly destroy” those who oppose him. He’s called Christianity a “cancer” and said the “Romans had it right” when they cut people’s heads off and put them on pikes. (A coincidence he’d cite the Romans in talking about his persecution of Christians?)
Do you hear the beginnings of why someone might hear a call for action against those “bloody monsters” committing “spiritual rape” who would be such an existential threat to our very freedom and lives?
This is an intolerant time in our country. We see anger, we see hatred exploding. — NY Governor Andrew Cuomo
A private company makes the benign decision to close on Sunday. That’s religious coercion, according to a Weinstein.
When you fear every shadow, it doesn’t say anything about the shadow — it says something about your lack of courage. And when you twitch at every association with the Christian faith — no matter how remote — it says nothing about the Christian faith. It says something about your bigotry.
When a man walks into a church or synagogue and violently attacks the congregants, people wonder aloud where such hatred could come from. How could someone have such little regard for their fellow man?
Do you still wonder?