Chaplains: Strong Families, Strong Military

The Christian Post notes the value of a stable marriage for members of the military, and the efforts the US military takes to support the marriages of its members:

“In order to have a strong army, we also need to have strong families,” Lt. Col. Carleton Birch, a Strong Bonds chaplain and spokesperson, told CP.

The article specifically discusses CREDO and Strong Bonds: 

A typical CREDO marriage retreat involves about 20 couples who spend about two days in a hotel or camp setting. As spouses talk to one another and develop their marriage skills, facilitators are also on hand to help them work through any problems that might come up during their discussion.

Strong Bonds Couples retreats also allow Army couples to go to an off-site hotel where they can spend a day or two working on their marriages, and childcare is provided to those who are parents. During the chaplain-led events, couples learn marriage skills in a small-group setting where there are no military ranks or uniforms and they can have honest discussions about the issues in their marriages.

Both of these are Army programs; the article briefly mentions the Air Force MarriageCare, which has similar goals.