Stripes Letter to Editor over Homosexual Kiss Raises Ire

Master Sgt. Corey Wade of Kandahar, Afghanistan, wrote a letter to the editor that was published on Stars and Stripes.  He was objecting to the widely publicized photo of a homosexual male Marine kissing his partner upon his return from deployment.

The photo you posted in the March 4 Mideast and Pacific editions with the article “Gay Marine’s homecoming kiss gets worldwide notice” is both disgusting and outrageous. It’s bad enough to publish articles that cover the debauchery of homosexuality, but to show that photo crosses the line…

the voices of opposition to homosexuality continue to not be heard by biased media outlets…As a Christian, it goes against my faith and the clear word of God (for those Christians who disagree, blow the dust off your Bibles and take a read) to practice such an act; it is clearly a sin.

Comments on the letter were typical — he was called a bigot and a homophobe.

For the record, the MSgt’s comments were not only permissible, they were also protected.