ALOs Can Now be non-Aviators

According to an Air Force press release, the Air Force has removed the restriction that Air Liaison Officers (ALOs) must be rated aircrew.  ALOs are the Air Force members who deploy on the ground with the Army to coordinate with Air Force assets during airstrikes, among other purposes.

This was presented as an “opportunity” for non-aviators: 

Air Force officials announced…the removal of the air liaison officer rated requirement, allowing any company grade officer, accession candidate or enlisted Airman the possibility of a career change.

Previously, only the already short-manned rated community could fill the slots, presumably because of their experience on the other end of the radio.  ALO tours were not often viewed favorably because they required a pilot to be out of the cockpit for up to 3 years, something few pilots want to do — so this change will likely be welcomed in the flying community.