Chaplain’s Skills “More Useful than a Weapon”

Army Chaplain (Capt.) James B. Russell has a unique perspective on the Chaplaincy.  Once a nurse, now a Chaplain, Russell now serves in a similar but changed role.

“I could deal with people’s pain as a nurse, but as a chaplain, I can enter into people’s suffering.”  Russell says the best part of being a chaplain now is the opportunity to speak to so many people. “Just to sit and be with someone is a gift from God…” 

Regardless of the conversation’s topic, the chaplain says he is not there to preach or convert people. “About 90 percent of the time, I am not even talking about religion.

The Command Sgt Major of the battalion in Afghanistan has an interesting take on the Chaplain’s presence in the unit:

the chaplain’s skills are more useful than a weapon, said Army Command Sgt. Maj. Carl Adams…”He is like the walking physical God of the unit.”