Fighter Pilots at the Pearly Gates: AF vs Navy

As if further evidence is required of the steretypical fighter pilot (notwithstanding the positive attribution of the naval aviator):

An unfortunate Navy fighter pilot was lost at sea during a night recovery in the weather.  Next thing he knew he was standing in a long line waiting to pass through the Pearly Gates. 

He got impatient and broke out of the formation to take the lead. When asked by Saint Peter why he cut in line, the pilot exclaimed, “Don’t you see I’m a Naval Aviator?”

St. Peter sent the Navy fighter jock back to the line.

The line into Heaven progressed excruciatingly slowly.  In one week, only three people passed through.

Then a new guy showed up wearing a green flight suit, black boots, and carrying a beer in his hand.

Trumpets blared, angels sang, and Saint Peter proclaimed, “Welcome, sir!  Come forward and pass directly into Heaven.”

The Navy pilot was not amused.  He again cut to the front of the line and demanded to know why he — a Naval Aviator — was made to stand in line all this time and yet an Air Force fighter pilot was immediately given the red carpet treatment.

Saint Peter explains, “Navy pilots come a dime a dozen, but it’s not often we get an Air Force fighter jock up here.”

Originally posted at Fighter Pilot University, which is not a site for those who are easily offended.  Their abbreviation, after all, is FU.

Alternate ending:

“Oh, that’s not an Air Force fighter pilot,” St. Peter says, “that’s God.  He just thinks he’s an Air Force fighter pilot!”