Chaplain Ministers to Returning Soldiers

While the nature of war spawned the cliche that “there are no atheists in foxholes,” another stereotype of religion and war is sometimes overlooked: those that grow to doubt their faith because of the brutal combat that they see–and participate in.

That questioning spirit is the objective of Chaplain (Maj) Dale Forrester.  He is the unit Chaplain for a Warrior Transition Battalion, which is composed of those who will likely not return to their unit.  Forrester was formerly enlisted in the Navy, an experience which gives him a common frame of reference with the soldiers to whom he ministers.

I’ve had soldiers tell me, ‘Chaplain, I can never go to heaven. You have no idea the things I’ve seen, the things I’ve done…And to be able to talk to that soldier, and help him understand God better, they are then able to forgive themselves.

The Chaplain came out of retirement to minister at the Transition battalion in response to a call from the Army to return to service.