Tag Archives: USAFA

USAFA Staff Investigated for MRFF Complaint?

The Associated Press has distributed an article indicating the military is “investigating” the US Air Force Academy for issues with its accreditation.

A document obtained by AP says the Air Force inspector general ordered a formal investigation into complaints that the academy’s dean and vice dean of faculty gave incorrect information to the Higher Education Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools.

The document says the vice dean was accused of making “a false official statement” and the dean was accused of “inaccurately portraying” faculty credentials.

“The document” appears to be the response by the Inspector General to the two complainants.  The two are reportedly anonymous, though one self-identifies as an Air Force officer, faculty member, and Academy graduate.

In the Inspector General’s letter Read more

USAFA to Weinstein: It’s What We Call the Chain of Command

The Commandant of Cadets at the US Air Force Academy, BrigGen Richard Clark, reportedly distributed a memorandum to all USAFA cadets on Wednesday.  He included the memorandum from the Air Force Chief of Staff, General Norton Schwartz, as an attachment.

As predicted, Michael Weinstein claimed victory.

Of course, Weinstein is claiming “victory” about something over which he had neither control nor influence.  In fact, his demands were completely ignored.  To wit, Weinstein said:

MRFF has twice demanded that Gould so [sic] distribute this directive…to all Academy personnel, staff, cadets and government contractors…

For the record, an assessment:  Read more

USAFA Chaplain Receives 2011 Air Force Association Award

Capt. Chad Zielinski, a Catholic Chaplain at the US Air Force Academy, was presented the Air Force Association’s 2011 Chaplain Corps Award for outstanding performance by a member of the Air Force Chaplain Corps.  Chaplain Zielinski was recognized for his work both at USAFA and Afghanistan.

Contrary to some claims, Zielinski was one of many Chaplains on the front lines, serving the spiritual needs of US servicemembers:  Read more

Gazette on Weinstein: Miffed USAFA Critic Buys Billboard

The Colorado Springs Gazette, local to the US Air Force Academy, noted that religious freedom critic Michael Weinstein apparently bought a billboard ad to publish Air Force Chief of Staff General Norton Schwartz’s memorandum on religious neutrality, which Chris Rodda says USAFA is “withholding.”

Air Force Academy critic Mikey Weinstein, miffed that a four-star’s memo on religious respect wasn’t e-mailed to cadets at the Air Force Academy, published the 200-word memo himself Tuesday on a Colorado Springs billboard.

Weinstein is apparently relegated to billboards because USAFA won’t answer his voluminous emails or return his phone calls.  Publicly, he claims he billboarded the memo because General Gould wouldn’t give in to his demands:  Read more

Weinstein, Rodda Go After General Gould and Get it Wrong. Again.

Michael Weinstein and his associates in his self-founded “charity” have a history of being unable to defend an argument by relying on simple truth.  Instead, their accusations have to be dramatized with hyperbolic language or, in some cases, the facts simply need to be misrepresented.

And Chris Rodda, Weinstein’s researcher, has done it again. And again, apparently.

Weinstein and Rodda have recently been trying to make hay out of General Norton Schwartz’s recent memorandum on “religious neutrality.”  Naturally, they imply it was their eloquent arguments (and senior-leader influence) that convinced General Schwartz to issue the memo.  That’s not enough glory, however.

The accusation that US Air Force Academy Superintendent Read more

USAFA Cadet Wing to Shrink. Again.

A recent Military.com article renews the prior discussion about the US Air Force Academy’s plan to reduce its cadet wing by about 10%, down to about 4,000 from its current strength of about 4,400.

Since USAFA was first authorized 40 cadet squadrons and a size of about 4400 cadets in the late 1960s, it has occasionally dipped and re-grown.  For example, four squadrons (37-40) were deactivated in 1999 when the wing downsized; they were reactivated in 2006 when the wing was reauthorized the higher number.

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