Tag Archives: USAFA

Air Force Caves to Atheists, Creates Hostile Religious Environment

From Fox News:

From the American Family Association:

“The Air Force and its Secretary, Michael B. Donley, have created the most hostile “anti-religious” environment in the history of the United States military.”

The Air Force’s decision to remove the Bible from the standard checklist for its military lodging facilities continues to get press (much to the chagrin of Michael Weinstein, who wasn’t involved in this story but has been trying to sensationalize another one).

A group of chaplains and chaplain endorsers, the Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty, has expressed its “concern,” saying that the decision has Read more

Chuck Colson: US Marine, Convict, and Christian

Chuck Colson died on 21 April 2012.  His name is so well known it requires little in the way of background, though surprisingly few know some of the finer details of Colson’s life.

Chuck Colson was an officer in the US Marine Corps from 1953 to 1955.  Most people know he worked for President Richard Nixon, and that he would ultimately go to prison for obstruction of justice in the Watergate scandal.  He became a Christian just prior to his arrest, beginning the rest of his life.

On 17 November 1993 Chuck Colson addressed the US Air Force Academy.  An Read more

Gay Pride Events Held at Military Academies

It isn’t the first time homosexual groups have gathered together to celebrate their…sexuality?…on a military base, but the novelty of their fellowship at US military academies seems to make it newsworthy.  CNN begins it article with factual inaccuracies:

For nearly 17 years, gay and lesbian soldiers were expected to deny their sexuality under threat of dismissal as part of “don’t ask, don’t tell.”

Actually, for “nearly” 200 years, homosexuals were expected not to violate the law Read more

USAFA Unveils $3.6M Artificial Turf Airfield

The US Air Force Academy recently opened its artificial turf glider landing strip, which may be one of the largest turf fields in the world.  The 1.35 million square feet is

the equivalent of about 23 NFL football fields or 16 MLS soccer fields.

For the past 50 years or so, gliders had been forced to land on the grass, which was “too bumpy.”

To be fair, the marked landing zones will help student pilots Read more

Christian Fighter Pilot, Astronaut Addresses Eglin Prayer Breakfast

US Air Force Col James Dutton, a NASA astronaut, addressed the Eglin National Prayer breakfast and reminded his listeners of the sense of awe — and the presence of God — that people often miss in their daily lives:

“The world around us is really amazing,” he said. “Our sense of wonder we had as a kid is often lost when we become adults…”

“Being in orbit was like being a two-year old and being a fighter pilot is like being a six-year-old again,” he joked.

MajGen Kenneth Merchant told Col Dutton he “gave us a feel for what it is like to touch the heavens.”  Dutton reiterated that it is “tremendously evident” there is a God Read more

Air Force Offers Free Flights, Space Camp to Teens

The US Air Force recently announced opportunities for three Air Force teen summer camps in 2012.  The camps are intended to inspire future careers in space and aviation and are open only to dependents of active duty, National Guard, Reserves, retirees, and Air Force civilians.  More information can be seen at the Air Force Services website:  www.afyouthprograms.com.

These events are free — including flight time in a Cessna, rope courses, and space center tours.  The only cost is the travel necessary to get to the camps, presenting a very affordable opportunity to have some unique experiences.

The camps are as follows:  Read more

Gazette Takes Michael Weinstein to Task. Again.

Barry Noreen of the Colorado Springs Gazette, local to the US Air Force Academy, wrote on “diversity awareness” at the US Air Force Academy — and managed to explain how Michael Weinstein has been a detriment to that cause.

Under a constant barrage by the likes of Mikey Weinstein…the academy has been under a microscope. Scrutiny isn’t bad, but Weinstein’s vitriol has been counterproductive.
“I find this institution shell-shocked at having any kind of discussion of religion,” [Chaplain (Col) Robert] Bruno said.

Rather than help USAFA generate a climate of religious freedom, Weinstein’s public attacks on Christian exercise at the US Air Force Academy have done the opposite.  Noreen Read more

LtGen Ronnie Hawkins and the Religious Rights of those in Uniform

Think the issue of LtGen Ronnie Hawkins and his “Ronnie’s Rules” is new?  Military commanders have a long tradition of introducing themselves to their units and including personal biographies and life philosophies when they do so, and there are other current examples of military leaders doing exactly that — and mentioning their faith in Jesus Christ as they did so.  A few critics have complained, naturally, but their vicarious or self-imposed offense has been insufficient to force the military to restrict the mention of “God” in similar military events — and rightly so.

Supporters have also weighed in with well-researched articles, not just passionate press releases.  The Religious Rights of Those in Uniform, which was also printed in an official Air Force publication that also featured the MRFF’s Chris Rodda, was written by Robert Ash (USA, Retired), who is a West Point graduate, served 22 years in the Army, and teaches law at Regent University.  He co-authored the lengthy piece with Dr. Jay Sekulow, chief counsel of the American Center for Law and Justice (and debated Michael Weinstein at the US Air Force Academy in 2007).  From their essay [emphasis added]:  Read more

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