Tag Archives: transgender

President Obama Leaves Office Unpopular with Military

Regardless of individual opinions on particular policy decisions, President George W. Bush was very popular within the US military, largely due to the genuine and sincere care he displayed and very obviously felt for the troops he led. Even after he left office, President Bush continued to serve and visit troops in the hospital — most often without any fanfare whatsoever.

The Military Times has posted the results of a poll that indicates President Barack Obama will leave office with the majority of the US military viewing him “unfavorably” (by wide margins, in some cases). The paper Read more

FRC Highlights Potential Trump Religious Freedom Targets

The Family Research Council has been highlighting the “top 20 ways” Donald Trump can dramatically and quickly influence “values issues” in his first 100 days in office.

At #15, the FRC said

Address Regulations Regarding Military Service of People Identifying as Transgender

Notably, FRC simply called on the administration to “address” the regulations — they didn’t explicitly call for the issue to be reversed.

At #18, the FRC said

Strengthen DOD Religious Freedom Protection

Here, the FRC highlighted Service-specific regulations (AFI 1-1, SECNAVINST Read more

Catholic Hospital Sued for Denying Transgender Surgery

As reported by the Religion Clause:

Lambda Legal announced yesterday that it has filed a lawsuit in New Jersey federal district court against a Catholic hospital that refused, on religious grounds, to allow a surgeon to perform a hysterectomy on a transgender man as part of his gender reassignment.

This isn’t completely unrelated to the military. One unaddressed elephant in the room concerning transgenders in the military has Read more

US Air Force Officer Criticizes DoD Advocacy of Humanism, Sexuality

An anonymous US Air Force officer recently published an article on the Family Research Council’s blog entitled “Unmasking the DOD’s Endorsement of the Humanism Religion.”

When you hear the word “religion,” does Humanism immediately come to mind? Probably not. However, pragmatically and legally, Humanism is just as much of a religion as Christianity and Islam. This article articulates the claim that the DOD has endorsed the religion of Humanism by promoting the LGBT movement.

It’s a bold statement — and one that might make sense. In its basic form, humanism simply replaces the deity of religious mantra with humanity; that is, rather than believing God is the ultimate source of truth, humanists believe the source of truth is man. Thus, it is from man humanists derive their moral authority.

From this the author derives the position that the LGBT movement relies Read more

Christian Fighter Pilot Top 10 Stories for 2016

Just as in the past couple of years, issues of military religious freedom have generally been incorporated in larger societal issues in most groups’ “top ten” civil/religious liberty issues for the year.

For example, Howard Friedman at the Religion Clause noted the “transgender rights” stories at #3 without specifically mentioning the (substantial) military side to that story.  That said, at #6 he included the “battle over religious displays” and specifically included “Latin crosses as part of veterans’ memorials”.

The Baptist Joint Committee, a politically left-leaning group, included the controversy over the Russell Amendment to the 2017 NDAA at #6.  (The BJC opposed the proposed legislation.)

Some other notable but unmentioned events from the year include lawsuits filed and exemptions granted for Sikhs in the military, the national discussion over Bible verses posted by court-martialed Marine LCpl Monifa Sterling, or the Air Force reconsidering its policies after retired Air Force SMSgt Oscar Rodriguez was thrown out of a ceremony while reciting a religiously-tinged flag-folding script.

With that in mind, the most read articles from 2016 on ChristianFighterPilot.com Read more

Christian Sailor Objects to Navy Sexual Diversity Training

It seems Canada often bears the brunt of American drama. It’s the example (or counterexample) for everything from medicine to the military, and it’s where everyone claims they want to move every four years.

As sexual progressives tried to use the US military as a wedge to normalize the LGBT movement in America, they frequently pointed to foreign militaries — including Canada — and basically said “they can do it, so why can’t we?”

Of course, not everything is sugar and spice in Canada, either.

At LifeSiteNews, a Canadian sailor leaked the Navy’s official “diversity” training that used a “genderbread” figure to try to explain how Read more

LGBT Advocate Aaron Belkin Misrepresents Military RAND Study

Aaron Belkin is the director of the Palm Center, an LGBT “research” institute that has long advocated and funded studies to promote neosexuality. (In fact, it was founded by Belkin specifically to produce ‘research’ to support the repeal of DADT.) Last week, Belkin wrote an op-ed at The Hill claiming “LGBT inclusion holds all US military to same high standard.” His piece was in response to one by Peter Sprigg of the Family Research Council published on the same site on December 8th entitled “A transgender military is a weaker, compromised military.”

Belkin begins his argument by engaging in a bit of revisionist history, claiming those who choose to participate in the LGBT lifestyle were historically prevented from serving in the military only because no one could figure out how to make it work [emphasis added]: Read more

Military Atheists, Sexual Activists Torn over Mattis as SecDef

Military and veteran atheists, transgenders, and homosexuals are in conflict over President-elect Donald Trump’s decision to nominate retired Gen James Mattis for Secretary of Defense.

Military atheists have been generally supportive of Gen Mattis, noting he was wildly popular as a leader and, speaking to their primary concern, never gave them reason to worry over issues of religion.  (As an example of the conduct that helped his subordinates respect him, consider how he reacted when his pilots landed at the wrong airport.)

This has put some atheists at odds with their sometimes allies in the LGBT movement, who see Mattis as a potential means for Trump to undo their “progress” over the past few years — though they can’t directly connect it to a religious issue over which to complain.

That said, Don Branum, a former US Air Force Academy Public Affairs staffer who has implied he was improperly treated for speaking his views against Christians, still managed to claim Mattis is  Read more

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