Tag Archives: todd walker

US Sailors Support Judeo-Christian Outreach Center

An official Navy article highlights the service of Hampton Roads Sailors as they volunteered to help out at the Judeo-Christian Outreach Center, which is homeless shelter and soup kitchen.

“We’re always excited to have the military volunteer at JCOC because it’s a morale boost for those we serve and an opportunity for our military folks to see what we as a community do to help the homeless here,” said Todd Walker, JCOC executive director.

Like many acts of service, those who serve are as impacted as those whom they serve:

“This is truly a humbling experience because it reminds us all that having a roof over our heads, food on the table, clothes on our back and a great job is a privilege and can just as easily be taken away in a world filled with uncertainty,” said…Master-at-Arms 1st Class Jose Soto…