Tag Archives: tim coderre

US Marines and Spiritual Protection in Afghanistan

As recently noted in the article on There Are No Atheist in Foxholes, men and women in the military–indeed, in the world–often sense the hand of a higher power when they survive what should otherwise have been a fatal encounter.

Another recent example was that of US Marine Lance Cpl. Andrew Koenig, who was shot in the head…but the bullet didn’t penetrate his helmet.  He sported a welt and the shock of being hit, but returned to his position to continue fighting.  Koenig’s reaction was typical of many:

“I don’t think I could be any luckier than this,” Lance Cpl. Koenig said two hours after the shooting.

Others saw the hand of Someone bigger:

“He’s alive for a reason,” Tim Coderre, a North Carolina narcotics detective working with the Marines as a consultant, told one of the men. “From a spiritual point of view, that doesn’t happen by accident.”

With enough patience one can find many similar stories of people Read more