Tag Archives: survey

US Air Force Academy Reports Improved Climate

The US Air Force Academy recently reported some of the results from its 2009 climate survey.  The survey is similar to those given to other military units in order to assess everything from racial relations to quality of life.

The superintendent, LtGen Mike Gould, is reportedly focused on instilling an atmosphere of respect for human dignity, and he has seen some success:

In many ways, the climate has shifted toward greater respect for all Airmen here regardless of their race, gender, religious beliefs or socioeconomic backgrounds.  Read more

DADT Survey Publicized, Derided by Advocacy Groups

A homosexual advocacy group obtained a copy of the survey delivered to US military members despite the military’s intent to keep the survey “confidential.”  The Department of Defense defended the format and content of the survey against criticism from homosexual advocacy groups that have derided it.  Apparently, those groups take issue with the word “homosexual” and the fact recipients were asked how they would feel about sharing personal space with open homosexuals.  The military’s response:

Responding to critics’ claims the survey was biased against gays, [DoD spokesman Geoff] Morrell said, “Absolutely, unequivocally, I reject it as nonsense.”

Military Distributes DADT Survey

According to an official release, the Department of Defense distributed 400,000 emailed surveys yesterday to military members on the topic of the implementation of the repeal of the policy most commonly known as “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.”

Half of the surveys went to active-duty servicemembers, and half were sent to the reserve components. Troops who received the surveys were selected based on age, rank, service, component, military specialties, education, marital status and other factors to ensure broad and thorough feedback on a potential repeal, Ham said.

The Military Times said the actual questions were “under wraps,” but the survey  Read more

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