Army Initiates Comprehensive Soldier Fitness Program
The US Army’s master resilience training school will open on Fort Jackson in April.
The school is part of the Comprehensive Soldier Fitness program, the Army’s latest attempt to train Soldiers not only for war, but also for life. To that end, the CSF program describes “five dimensions of strength:” Physical, Emotional, Social, Family, and Spiritual.
The Army apparently recognizes one of the most common displays of spiritual strength among its Soldiers: the poster for “spiritual strength” contains a photograph of uniformed and armed Army members praying in a circle.

US Army Graphic
Ironically, this public expression of spirituality is occasionally imperiled by critics who feel that the displays inappropriately connect the US military with religion (more specifically, Christianity). For the time being, the military’s hypersensitivity to religious offense has not yet restricted public displays of Read more