Tag Archives: religious freedom

Russell Moore: Is Religious Freedom For Non-Christians Too?

Contrary to the claims of some critics, religious liberty is a part of the Christian ethos:

One thing we need to be very clear about is that religious liberty is not a government “benefit,” but a natural and inalienable right granted by God. At issue is whether or not the civil state has the power to zone mosques or Islamic cemeteries or synagogues or houses of worship of whatever kind out of existence because of what those groups believe. When someone makes such a claim, Read more

Atheists Rush Internet Poll to Defeat Christian Grade Schoolers

Update: Mehta appears to have thought better of the post and appears to have pulled it down.

A group of atheist keyboard commandos is waging a campaign to mob an internet voting contest to help a specific public school win a new playground.

The reason they want to help that school? The “competitor” school is Christian.

From Hemant Mehta, the “friendly” atheist [emphasis added]:

Let’s help them out! (I’m sure the kids at the Christian school can just pray for a new playground…or get donations from parents who are already paying private school tuition.)…

Your minimal effort can help these kids get a nice new playground while also making the Baby Jesus shed a single tear.

The two schools are Kettle Read more

Las Vegas Chaplain Serves Drone Pilots, Preschoolers

The local Las Vegas Review-Journal covers US Air Force Chaplain (Capt) Michael Engfer, a Reserve Chaplain who does double duty as a local Episcopal Reverend:

The Rev. Michael Engfer occupies two distinct ministries.

In November, he was named deacon in charge of All Saints Episcopal Church, a growing multicultural congregation…

He also is stationed at Nellis Air Force Base as deputy wing chaplain for the 926th Wing Air Force Reserve unit. Among the people he serves are drone pilots, a new type of service with unique challenges.

Chaplain Engfer also makes a point of explaining his view on marriage:  Read more

Chris Rodda Caught in Lie over Military Religious Freedom. Again.

Chris Rodda, the sometime research assistant for Michael “Mikey” Weinstein, seems to have a recurring problem with the truth.

In one of the more glaring examples, she once claimed Mikey Weinstein didn’t pay himself one cent — and all the while Weinstein was paying himself: more than a quarter million dollars.

In another, just last year she proclaimed the MRFF didn’t object to US troops “privately engaging in any religious activity” — just after the MRFF had objected to US troops privately engaging in a church service of all things.

Both of these untruths were intended to sway public perceptions about the MRFF: The first was an attempt to convince people Mikey Weinstein was a selfless martyr, rather than using his self-founded, self-run “charity” to line his wallet, as many now believe. The second was Read more

The 2016 AFRC Chaplain Corps Conference Disaster

conferencev2by Sonny Hernandez

On April 18-21, 2016, the Air Force Reserve Command (AFRC) Chaplain Corps Conference commenced in Chicago, IL. The theme of this aforementioned conference was “soul care” and “moral injury.” The keynote civilian speakers for this event were: Dr. Rita Nakashima Brock and Dr. Jonathan Shay, who were publicized as being world renowned experts in the field of moral injury. Unfortunately, there were Air Force chaplains that left the conference who experienced “moral injury” after being forced to listen to Read more

Booted General Boykin Calls for Apology — for the Troops

The US Army post at Fort Riley recently cancelled a scheduled prayer breakfast because Michael “Mikey” Weinstein complained about the speaker: Retired LtGen William “Jerry” Boykin.

A wide variety of people have come out in support of LtGen Boykin, including Franklin Graham, Ted Cruz, and Congressman Tim Huelskamp — the Representative for the District encompassing Fort Riley.

LtGen Boykin is now calling for an apology from the US Army — not for him, but for the troops [emphasis added]:

What is really important about this is that the leadership of Fort Riley caved to pressure by these extremists and denied every person who planned to attend this event their own First Amendment rights.

I am told that there were many people who planned to attend and that 80 percent of the soldiers at the Fort self-identify as Christian. Attendance was totally voluntary, and no one was compelled to be there

The Commanding General of the 1st Infantry Division, Maj. Gen. Wayne Grigsby, should apologize to the soldiers of Fort Riley and assure them that the leadership of Fort Riley will stand up to the anti-religious freedom agitators and defend their rights of assembly and the right to believe and live out their faith.

LtGen Boykin’s call for an apology is an outstanding reminder Read more

President Obama Gives Shout Out to Homosexuals, Muslims at USAFA

usafaobamaWhen speaking of the “values” that are an enduring element of America’s power, President Obama said this during the graduation address at the US Air Force Academy yesterday:

We’re stronger when our gay and lesbian cadets and troops can serve their country…without hiding who they love.

Of all the quotes in the long speech on war, policies, sacrifice and the future, this is what the White House highlighted with a “tweet” — and this is what USAFA retweeted.

While this statement received an affirming Read more

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