Tag Archives: religious freedom

Harassed by Mikey Weinstein, Part 1: Quoting the Bible

Michael “Mikey” Weinstein’s lawyers once claimed ChristianFighterPilot.com was “obsessive” about Weinstein and his MRFF. Naturally, ChristianFighterPilot.com is about military religious freedom — and it is surely relevant when Mikey Weinstein, a public figure, makes a living by publicly attacking religious liberty, as he so frequently does.

Instead, it is Mikey Weinstein who is “obsessive” with a few individual US troops, veterans, and even a couple of civilians — most of whom are private citizens unknown to any outside their circle of friends. The actions by Weinstein and those associated with his MRFF have attacked and threatened them, their employers, their families — sometimes even their children — in ongoing campaigns of harassment that have sometimes spanned years.

This series will document Mikey Weinstein’s history of harassment — in his own words, with his own formatting, filled with his own invective.

Harassed by Mikey Weinstein, Part 1: Quoting the Bible

In early 2014 a post entitled “There is but One Way” went up at ChristianFighterPilot.com saying one simple thing: John 14:6.

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

John 14:6

Duly offended that a Bible verse would appear on the internet, Mikey Read more

Catherine Wallace: Christians More Dangerous than Islamic Terrorists

wallaceweinsteinMichael “Mikey” Weinstein’s research assistant, self-taught “historian” Chris Rodda, may have competition for her job from Catherine Wallace of Northwestern University in Illinois. Wallace, a “cultural historian and literary critic” is part of the Feinberg School of Medicine and recently described her belief that [emphasis added]

the Christian fundamentalist movement in the United States is more dangerous than Islamic terrorism.

Her logic is straight from the talking points of Mikey Weinstein, who thinks Christians and their ability to obtain “laser guided nuclear weapons” are the real threat to America. Similarly [emphasis added]:  Read more

Groups Urge Congress to Reinstate Transgender Ban

A variety of religious and liberty groups have called on Congress to reverse the military’s decision to allow transgender service, saying:

This [policy] is an affront to the American people and is certain to undermine readiness, recruitment, and retention in the military. Thus, we urge you to halt the implementation…

The repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell took an act of Congress because the ban on homosexual service was part of US law. (Many forget that DADT was the policy used to avoid enforcing the law banning homosexuals from the US military.) The military could not change its policy without Congress changing the law.

But the ban on transgenderism was more basic. It was simply Read more

How Can Christians serve with LGBT service members in the Armed Forces?

A Military Chaplain’s Practical Perspective, Part 2

by Sonny Hernandez

The lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) movement is drifting the military culture away from the Lord and into lewdness. An observer may wonder if patriotism is being replaced with perversion, or honorable service is substituted for homosexuality, and if serving with integrity is now sexual immorality, based upon the current policies that are manifesting themselves in the Armed Forces.

The military ultimately reflects the culture from which it is drawn, as demonstrated when Defense Secretary Ash Carter announced transgender individuals will be able to openly serve, which will result in transgender training for service members in the future. The full policy will be completely implemented no later than July 1, 2017. An observer may also deduce that this will add to the woes for Bible-believing Christians that are serving in the US military.

LGBT advocates will demand that they be “treated with love and acceptance,” but will threaten Read more

US Air Force Academy Fights Masculinity in the Military

Update: The College Fix reports on the more widespread trend of devaluing masculinity in American universities, and a member of the British parliament apparently thinks James Bond, too, conveys a message of “toxic masculinity.”

The US Air Force Academy is proudly leading a “pioneer program” designed to reduce “hyper-masculinity” in the US military. Aimed at both genders, the topics for the female cadets seem encouraging:

Female cadets focus on women’s issues within the Academy and overcoming unique challenges for female cadets…

Shockingly, the official Air Force article unashamedly lauds the fact the program discourages the male cadets [emphasis added]:

Male cadets focus on understanding the social pressures of hyper-masculinity and the negative impacts of these attributes in leadership within a diverse military environment.

One of the female cadets said she came away Read more

Did USAFA Chaplains Participate in Historical or Halloween Event?

usafachaplainsby Sonny Hernandez

On October 29, 2016, US Air Force Academy chaplains participated in a self-described ecumenical event to “explore the upcoming 500th anniversary of the Lutheran Reformation.” A USAFA release described the event as analogous to the service “led by Pope Francis and Bishop Munib Younan in Lund Sweden, on October 31,” where Catholics and Lutherans were “urged to take decisive steps toward unity.

A Christian observer would not see this type of event as ecumenical, but evil. The Protestant Reformation was not a celebration between Catholics and Lutherans. It was a time of protest and schism because of the Roman Catholic corruption.

Christian scholars who have been impacted by Read more

US Troop Pay Raise Connected to “Gay Rights Feud”

An article at McClatchy (repeated at the Stars and Stripes) linked the previously-discussed Russell Amendment with the more-headline worthy issue of troop pay:

A pay raise for U.S. military troops could face a long wait as Congress steps up a feud over gay rights in trying to wrap up a long-stalled 2017 defense authorization bill.

The borderline-sensationalist headline tops an article that almost exclusively presents the issue as one of the “right to discriminate”:  Read more

Chaplain Trains for Combat

hornbackUS military chaplains aren’t just sitting in offices or behind lecterns. And when their units train for combat, they go with them, because they, too, need to exercise how they will operate in the combat environment:

Allied Spirit is a series of combat exercises centered on battlefield realism and international cooperation. But the authentic nature of the U.S. Army Europe training isn’t confined to combat arms personnel…

Too often, the role of chaplains Read more

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